New 1991A1


I purchased an unfired Colt 1991A1 a few hours ago (parkerized). This is my first new handgun; everything else I own was well worn when I received them. I would be extremely grateful for any advice you have on the following items.

My questions are simple (I hope):

1) How do I go about breaking it in? Does it need lubrication now? What sort of ammunition is it (especially its included magazine) best suited to?

2) I noticed that I have to slightly depress the magazine release to allow the magazine to be inserted. Presumably this could be adjusted, but has anyone had this problem?

3) What precautions should I take for the finish?

Again, thank you for your time.
Yes, I would clean and lube the gun as per the owner's manual before you take it out. You never know, the factory may have missed a quality control item that you may catch. Your safety is at issue. Besides, this gets you familiar with the gun before you encounter any possible problems with it at the range.

The mag must be somewhat forcefully seated for you to overcome the tension of the mag release. Don't be shy about it. OTOH, it shouldn't need a hammer blow either.:) Again, your initial cleaning and inspection should reveal if anything is amiss.

That model should come with a throated barrel, so it should be more forgiving of JHP cartridges. I suggest several boxes of ball ammo be fired first, both for the break-in of the gun and you.:D Remember, many malfs with the 1911 can be attributed to the mag. If you encounter any problems with the factory mag, get a Wilson or McCormick mag to try with the same ammo.

Just seconding what Victor said about the mag insertion (It'll be easier with wear). Mine works great with about anything I've fed it so far (FMJ, 230 grain gold dot's, and 230 grain hydra shocks) not sure about the shorter 185 grain hollowpoints yet. Good luck with yours, the only thing I did not like about mine is only one mag per gun, chintzy Colt, very chintzy..

Blue Duck
I would second on the cleaning, and the mag will work it's way in with use, I just bought A 1991A1 A few weeks ago shot like a dream, 200 rounds No FTF,FTE NO problems just kept on going, even tried diff mags and ammo. :)
Congrats on the new 1911!! It's time to get specialized--check out:
Lots of great info there.
This is what I would do:
--Clean(gun scrubber, brake cleaner)
--Oil(dip or liberal app)
--Read as much on 1911Forum as possible
--Enjoy(Rub profusely sp?)
I have a 1991-A1 that I bought 6 years ago, and love it. As with any new Auto loader, be ready for a bit of frustration (which you may have already experienced) when you first take it apart - the parts aren't fully broken in and may be a little too tight. I always put 200 rounds of ball through my new autos before I do anything else. After you do that, it will break down smoothly, and I suspect the magazine insertion problem will go away. You do have to positively insert the magazine, though (read: use force), but is should not be a difficult maneuver either.

Once you have fed the 200 rounds through it, pick whatever type of bullet you think you need and start shooting those, to see how it functions. The formal "break in" period is done at the 200 round mark, although it will continue to get smoother. You are now just checking reliability.

Have fun, I always love the anticipation of the first range "date" with a new gun.
Like some others said, the new 1991's should feed whatever you like. Mine needed no "break-in" whatsoever, and is utterly reliable with Gold Dots, Hydra-shoks and ball. It even appears to have been sighted in at the factory. My personal feeling is that they are the best 1911's made right now.