Never More Proud...


of my country - the USA - than I am right now.

A clear message was sent to the world by the Supreme Court - Don't tell us what to do inside our own borders.

A clear message was sent to the federal government by Texas - State's Rights rule.

The mistake the world makes is that they think they can make and enforce our internal laws. Think again. We are a sovereign nation. Look up that word - sovereign. We govern ourselves.

Texas - Now the only state to have whupped a whole world.

Today, every justice-loving person in the USA is a citizen of Texas.

+1 The Supreme Court
+1 The Governor of Texas

Those girls can now rest in peace.

God bless the USA!!!
I'm not a fan of the death penalty, and I'm hoping this thread won't turn into a debate (ahem, a bunch of lame ad hom arguments) about the the death penalty itself.

But I support the ruling. Our country, our rules. Take that.
I think we also need to try to stay out of as many treaties that deal with legal issues as possible. Does anyone know when we signed the Vienna treaty and what Einstein was behind our decision?
I think we also need to try to stay out of as many treaties that deal with legal issues as possible. Does anyone know when we signed the Vienna treaty and what Einstein was behind our decision?

I believe it dates back to the 60's.

And really, this particular aspect isn't particularly idiotic, nor does it interfere all that much with the judicial system (in most cases). All it establishes is the right to notify your consulate of your arrest (and to be notified of this right)...really all the consulate can do for you at that point is hire a better lawyer for you or try to work through political channels. They have no actual power in the matter.

The only issue in this case was the failure to notify Medellin of his right...but then, at the time of his confession he hadn't mentioned that he was a foreign citizen.
Texas - Now the only state to have whupped a whole world.

Venus? Mars? Pluto maybe?

I know Texans are a proud bunch, but come on.:D

Today, every justice-loving person in the USA is a citizen of Texas.
I'll stay in NC until Texas learns what BBQ is... and isn't.

God bless the USA!!!

Now there's something we can agree on. I feel that anyone who comes into our country should be subject to our laws. Its only fair that if somone comits a crime here, they be tried here.
They have no actual power in the matter.

Absolutely right. All the Counsulate can do is make sure your rights, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF THE ARRESTING COUNTRY, are not violated.