Never load for this guy


New member
I know a guy i never had much to do with but i will help if he ask .
He bought a new ruger 44 Special and ask me to load some used brass he bought .

So i did 46 rounds for him with Bullets (240 gr) Powder (Unique) and Primers.
A nice load in his new Ruger all in the book and he was not happy .

He was not happy the rounds were low on powder he thinks . he shot a 44 before and it was a man"s gun what did you do . So i told him i used as much powder as a 44 Special will ?? He thought he bought a Super Blackhawk 44 Mag and it will shoot the big stuff .

He is not happy and i am done and feel better
Many people do not understand why the .44 special and .38 special are "Special" cartridges. If they don't get it, you can't explain it to them.
why did he buy a 44 special? instead of 44 magnum? didnt he know you can shoot both from a 44 magnum?? lol
@akinswi: You are 100% correct about the flexibility of the .44 rem mag chambering. However, the .44 special and .44 mag both have their places. In the ruger single actions, the .44 special is chambered in ruger's medium frame, which is noticeably smaller, handier, and lighter than the large frame blackhawk. Brian Pierce in Handloader Magazine has handloads for the medium frame, .44 special blackhawk which will give most people as much enjoyment as they can stand.
Was he really unhappy with you or just venting about not having the right gun . Sometimes they can feel like the same thing . Kinda of like telling someone bad news and they start complaining and you say “don’t shoot the messenger” . Often its not that they’re mad at you specifically but rather mad at the situation and you’re just unlucky enough to be there as the sounding board .
Well, even if he is mad about buying a 44 special, he is better off than the guy I know that bought a 44 magnum and bought the Scandium model S&W Mountain Gun not knowing the recoil would be viscious.
It was his first gun and he couldn't stand to shoot ever specials out of it.
Talk about suck the fun out of shooting, he had tears in his eyes when he was done with about 30 magnums out of it.
Those two need to get together and trade guns.
My neighbor ask me if i could duplicate some loads for him. He's shooting 357Mag, 110gr JHP White box Winchesters. Box claims 1,280fps.

I stopped by 5 places, no 110gr bullets available.

I told him i could load up some 125gr Sierra JHP, and get him closer to 1,400fps.
He's not believing me.
Would really blow his mind if i could find more Alliant MP300!
lol yeah you can make some nuclear 357 with those 125 grainers, I load mine with 20gr of H110 and out of a 6inch barrel they are def doing over 1600fps, and thats 1 grain below max. Such a “blast” too shoot.
I don't think anybody was dumb enough to ask me to load for them, but unless it was son or grandson,(not son in law), would I agree. They might
know a lawyer.
Over the years I have been asked many times by people to load some ammo for them.

My standard response is, "ok, give me the gun". IF they won't, then my answer is a flat "no".

If they supply the gun, then I will load ammo for ME, and shoot it a bit in the process. :D
Dean Grenell wrote that he would never reload for anyone else, if they persisted he would seat them at his reloading bench, walk them through it.
I've been asked to load ammo for people a time or two.

I've always just politely state that on advice of my lawyer, I won't be able to.

Seems to work and the conversation remains pleasant.

(P.S. I don't have a lawyer; but if I did, I'm sure they would give such advice. ;) )
I just show pictures of my 627 that I blew the top off a few years ago and explain that even after over 30 years of safe reloading anything can happen. I no longer use my Loadmaster, not just the machines fault but it was a major contributing factor along with my own stupidity. I also no longer use Titegroup in anything but 9mm and when I use up what I have left I’m done with it entirely.
I made my first major mistake I did not catch in over 10 years really ever . I did not load powder in a case . This was 308 and all I heard was click . Took the cartridge out and everything seemed fine at first glance , figured bad primer . After looking closer I could see and feel the primer popped out just a tad . Right then I knew the primer ignited and the pressure it created pushed the primer out a tad . Pulled bullet and sure enough primer fired leaving soot on base of bullet but bullet was not unseated. Unfortunately I did not think to check if seating depth had changed
Talk about “looking a gift horse in the mouth”!

I never load for other people nor do they get my handloads. Let’s say I give someone ammo, just being nice, and the ammo is fine. They get bad reloads from another source. They blow up a gun and are injured. Their attorney asks, “where did you get reloads?”

“I dunno. Crunchy Frog gave me some of it.”

How can I prove that it was not my load that blew up? That’s right, I can’t.
The general rule is that we load for nobody but ourselves.

Not only are there safety considerations, but liability con ernsas well.