(Never Fired) Mosin Bolt stuck. Please Help!!


Hey, I'm new here. Looks like an awesome forum .

So like the title says, my Mosin's bolt keeps getting stuck. Here's the thing: I've never even fired it! I've played around with the bolt many times and it's never gotten stuck, but recently I bought some snap caps for it and after a couple times of ejecting them, the bolt gets stuck after I fire on a snap cap. Now, every time I pull the trigger (even when dry firing) the bolt gets stuck.

I'm pretty certain the bolt's not getting stuck inside the boltway because I've completely degreased the rifle of cosmoline; and besides that when I pull the cocking knob back it's as smooth as butter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I plan on shooting this rifle soon and don't want to have to pull the cocking knob back every time I want to eject a round.
Once the firing pin breaks it gets stuck? As in you cannot rotate the bolt to pull it back? Or once the bolt is rotated you can't pull it back?

Need more info.
It could very well be a common ailment of the surplus Mosins, that I'm sure will be mentioned- hit the chamber with a cleaning bristle on the end of a power drill- the chamber can have a lot of residual build-up due to firing polymer coated cases. If the bolt works just fine without a round in the chamber, then is super-sticky with a snap cap in it, this is most likely the problem.