Netscape Problem


New member
For lack of a better place to post this I've put it here.

Ok, heres the deal. I've just installed Netscape & it has turned my screen into a Cinemascope version !

Everything seems to be stretched a bit & to hit the GO button I have to use the slide at the bottom of the screen.

ANY help would be appreciated.

I hates computers but I LOVES me guns ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"

Ya gotta give us some info...version, operating system, monitor size, etc

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Whatever the version, operating system etc it is upside down from what we have in the States. :D And has Kangaroos on the side. LOL
Ok, computer Dumbo here ;) ,it's Netscape Communicator 4.51 with Win. 95 ,486 IBM (32mb?) , Samsung 34cm(14"?)monitor.

So that's about as much info I can give - any ideas ?

Thanks :)

btw, at least it's keeping my preferences and user name again.Went wacko when Rich did the 2nd upgrade to T.F.L.when I was running I.E. 3.0!

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Sounds like a VDU problem. Get out your manual for the tube unit itself and adjust the picture to fit the screen. There are buttons or controls to do this, but I can't tell from here just what they are on your monitor.