NEF single shot project question.


New member
Last summer I picked up a NEF (New England Firearms) single shot 12ga at a good price to restore and modify with either an ATi or a Choate stock setup. The problem I have is the guy's kid that I bought the gun from took a can of green spray paint to it and tried to paint the barrel and some of the wood stock. What can I use to remove the paint from the barrel that won't harm the bluing on the barrel? Will regular paint stripper from say wally world work or what would work best?. Thanks for your help.
Paint stripper, carb cleaner, acetone, your choice. I prefer CitriStrip, available at your hardware store of choice.
UPDATE: I used the brake fluid as mentioned above because I had plenty on hand and it worked like a charm. Afterwards I cleaned it well with some brake clean and then oiled it up well. i understand from other that brake fluid can be corrosive to some metals if you leave it on to long. It looks way better now. Thanks for all your suggestions.