NEF single 12


New member
Duck Hunt and I whent shooting sunday and one of the arms I brought to practice with was my old reliable single 12.

I have a shell carrier on the stock and so decided to practice some rapid reloading.
I started off slow to work on technique. After a few dozen rounds it was very easy to speed up. It's almost instinctive.

The gun gives a hearty thump to the shoulder and points easily. I really enjoyed shooting it and its' looks are classical. A great peice for wall hanging.

I wouldn't feel undergunned using this fine arm against .25-toting goblins who shoot palm-down.
Shin-Tao, don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I've got some pretty high speed/low-drag armement. But.... I find myself reaching for my NEFs more than any other gun in my safe! There's just something FUN about them!

The are rugged and reliable and can do almost anything you'd ask of a shotgun. Only thing I still can't do, is shoot doubles in skeet. ;-)

But, I'm still practicing!....

Regards! DaMan
I do not like shooting mine a lot. I shot a slug through it yesterday and it rang my bell. Maybe I'm a wouse, but it jerked my head back like I had been reaerended in a car. I really like the heavy old 870 better. I'm going to try weighting it down a little when I get time.

I dare and one of you to go shoot 5 1 oz. slugs in a row.
No, I readily admit that a single barrel 12 isn't for slug launching.
But for most everything else, I like them.

For fun, someone photo-shop us a pic of a "tactical" single barrel.
I busted some clays with it. It works pretty well if I snug it to my shoulder real well. I did shoot some 3" mag 000 buck through it as well. That didn't kick as bad and would be better for goblins anyway. I don't understand why that load kicks less than the slugs though. Perhaps because the slugs don't have a wad with a shock buffer in it like the buckshot does?
Singles are fun,practical,and reliable.What they aren't is good for shooting heavy loads, the Rule of 96 again.

Kilgor, if you opened up one of those buck loads and weighed the shot, I bet you'd find they weighed less than an oz. That's why they don't kick like the slugs. If not,the slugs must be moving much faster.

E=MCsquared again.