NEF shotguns any good?


New member
Are the NEF shotguns any good? I was thinking about getting one for trap shooting so I don't wear out my good guns.
I don't know about for trap, but they are reliable. I have somehow ended up with a .410, 20 ga and 12 ga. I can testify that the 12 ga will kick the dog poo right out of you.
You might get laughed off the range, but the shotgun will work fine.

They fall under the most bang for the buck category.

BTW, if you didn't buy your "good guns" to use, why the heck did you buy them? In anycase, if they really are good, you probably won't live long enough to "wear them out."

Just my opinion.

Doc Hudson
I do shoot my shotguns but I have heard (maybe just urban legend) that doing a lot of trap shooting can wear out a shotgun.
The NEF/H&R singles are tough, reliable and a lot of gun for the money, but...

While a target load doesn't kick much, 100 or so in the course of a single shooting session do. Last one of these I lifted weighed maybe 6 1/4 lbs, and was a 12 ga chambered for 3" shells.

Where the H&R shines is on missions where it's carried a lot and shot a little. I recall many good days of my youth with a 16 ga version, that took everything from quail to geese. But the idea of shooting 100 rounds with that crooked stock and weight that's a gross violation of the Rule of 96 gives me qualms.

One definition of a "Good" shotgun might be one that doesn't wear out before we do. Some pump/auto guns that may qualify as long lived would include the Model 97 and 12 Winchesters, the Remington 870,the 1100, the Ithaca 37, the A-5 Browning,etc. All, except for the lightweight Ithaca, would work fine for trap or any other high volume clay sport, suitably set up for the game.

If you've "Good" shotguns, it's unlikely you'll shoot enough in one lifetime to wear one out. And the idea of having good shotguns and not shooting them is unsettling.

Of course, if you've got the missing Parker Invincible, you may not want to run a truckload of shells through it every season. But a standard model shotgun of good make can and should be shot extensively w/o harm, allowing for common sense in the owner and some decent maintenance...
OK, you've convinced me not to buy a NEF just to save my Browning A5 from wear and tear. I've just started shooting trap in a league. From what people have said about the recoil from a break action I don't think I would want to submit to that on purpose. BTW - Saw a new NEF 12G at Sports Authority tonight for $79.
Don't take what anyone said as a condemnation of the H&R shotguns. Just that they ain't perzactle Trap Grade guns.

With proper maintainence, your great Grand-children will have to decide to whom to leave the gun. You migh have to replace some parts, but the gun will last indefinitely.

Doc Hudson
TLT, that A-5 will last and last and last. I'd just put in new friction rings and springs every truckload of ammo or so.

When I inherited a Remington Model 11(Same design) a few decades ago I took it to a gunsmith who looked it over, sold me less than $20 worth of ringsnsprings,installed same, and told me that was the "10,000 round rebuild".