Needs attention


Now Guiness is distorting the facts:

Keep and Bear Arms
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Guinness Book of World Records Prints Lies About Guns
by Sam Wright
"The world's most popular reference book", Millennium Edition reads on
page 318:
"Most fatal shootings: There are currently more than 200 million guns in
the US, where one in four adults owns a firearm and about 40,000
fatalities are caused by guns each year. In the last ten (10) years,
gun-related homicides in the US have risen by 18%."
This is worse than the lie's of the Attorney General when she said there
were 29,829 gun-related deaths in 1998, and the facts are in plain view
for all to see! The numbers taken from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports,
taken from the Department of Justice web site. A rate of 9.8 per 100,000
population in 1991, declined sharply to a rate of 6.3 per 100,000 in 1998.
FBI estimates total homicides at 16,910 for the year 1998.
A lot more people will read this Guinness Book of World Records than will
hear the lies of the present Clinton administration.
Don't you think a Class Action Law Suit against the Guinness people would
help your organization's cause?
Sam Wright

Yes, Sam, we do. Not only would engaging in such a lawsuit help "our
organization," more importantly, it would help draw great attention to the
fact that lies will not be tolerated by anti-gun LIARS any longer -
whether they are "special, important" public officials or the average liar
who parrots blatant lies on the HCI and HCI-clone websites and in lying
print ads and on television and radio where more lies get spewed. Dealing
with Guiness Book of Lies would be a very good thing. They are huge, and
they need to get their butts sued off. So do every single traitor who is
suing the gun manufacturers - by multiple groups and individuals. So do
the legislators who've voted for gun restrictions that have gotten decent
human beings killed. And so on. Yes.
But lawsuits take MONEY, and a fraction of the thousands of visitors who
come to this website each day have pitched in support by joining as
members - even when we're offering a chance at a very nice .50 caliber
rifle. We have enough money to get through the next 45 to 60 days, Sam, as
usual. (And without all the support we've had this last month, we'd be
closing up shop and heading out for "jobs".) This website is a daily
effort of love for our country, and I am personally too busy focusing on
forward motion to waste my time with a "personal" life, so material things
mean very little to me. (I could have bought 100 or more NICE guns with
the amount of money I put into this website/organization.) I AM my
mission. I have made a choice to see my country WHOLE again. And KABA has
the potential to be far greater than it is right now, but for the moment,
we're simply getting by and doing the best we can with bare staff and
hundreds of unrealized visions we long to bring into reality to get this
job done now. (Our Doctors organization is getting closer each day to
being launched, and the team of doctors strategizing the move are ON
Don't get me wrong, brother; I'm not deterred, AT ALL. Just realizing the
limitations of being human and underfunded. I do not like to ask for help;
I'm a proud person. But what we've set up here is helping a LOT of people
get informed and get busy, and I believe our $100K investment could easily
be met with a one year or more investment by every single person who
regularly benefits from this site. Been meaning to call for all senior
citizens on fixed income to email me so we can set them up as members for
free, just haven't gotten to that and the other hundreds of tasks on a
list as long as my arm and leg.
We'll be having a conference call shortly. The first one, maybe more, will
be for paid KABA members for input and strategizing - and to create the
feeling (and reality) of unity and cohesion required to fuel our fires and
draw more recruits into Project Reclaim America.
I did go and get the information on how to reach these published liars. I
could only find an email form, but here you go:
Angel Shamaya

I urge all of you to give your 2 cents worth to these guys and let's find someone to take up the class action suit on our parts. I have suffered mentally from this distortion of truth and think all class members should settle for enough to buy all the toys they want!
I wonder if it would be possible for a group of law abiding gun owners to file a class action law suit for slander?
I would respectfully suggest that the effort and money wasted on such lawsuits would be better used by supporting groups such as Angel's.

To be frank, a lot of RKBA folks are much better at talk than writing checks and letters. We'll never win this war if people don't start putting their money where their mouths are.

I know this is blunt, but dammit, there are a lot of people working hard on this problem, and often they can't even get gun owners to lay down $10.

(I recognize most people on TFL don't fall into this category, but if you do ... find a good group and help them out! Like Angel's group and )

Regards from AZ