needed info


I am in need of various blueprints for the tube recievers for various sub guns,where can these be found
Here there bee draggoyns - -

- - - and the way is fraught with peril.

Please be advised that such an open-ended question makes one suspect of all sorts of anti-social, or at least illegal, tendencies.

If you have some educational purpose in mind, and don't mind a certain amount of scrutinty, I suggest you try the normal, open channels of gathering knowledge - - Use Google or Yahoo! search engines and give it a try - - Keywords: Submachine guns, Automatic weapons, pland, blueprints, machinist drawings, and the like.

Also see Small Arms Review, and the "machine guns/full automatic" section of Shotgun News.

The Machine Gun, by George M. Chinn, is available on CD now - - See:

Just for the record, please be advised that it is a violation of federal law for an individual to build, make, manufacture et cetera any full automatic firearm without the proper licenses, tax stamps, and so forth. If you qualify to do it legally, you already know about the applicable laws.

Without regard to the "justice" or constitutionality of the various federal firearms laws, until they are changed, they ARE the law, and it is against TFL board policy to countenence, approve, facilitate, or further illegal acts.

I hate to sound as if I'm opposed to any legitimate quest for knowledge. The materials you seek are entirely legal to have, own, view, and so forth. Your question is completely acceptable. Just don't want to see any member get in trouble over a misunderstanding. Especially one who had been on board for a whole couple of hours and who asked for the information on his first-and-only post. Thus far. Anyway, welcome to TFL, and don't be a stranger, huh?

Hey guys I am NOT going to violate the batf's rulings.I didn't know that the manufacture of 80 % tubes was against the law,at least not yet,as long as they comply with all nfa rulings SO lets get real.All I want is to sell repair parts,thank you very much!
Hey guys I am NOT going to violate the batf's rulings.I didn't know that the manufacture of 80 % tubes was against the law,at least not yet,as long as they comply with all nfa rulings SO lets get real.All I want is to sell repair parts,thank you very much!

And just what do you think you can you "repair" with an 80% tube?
Have any of you full auto experts ever visited Knob creek?If not you need to come on down on th 14-16th of october in beautiful West Point Ky for the largest full auto shoot in the nation.ALL legal and monitered closley! The same "repair part tubes"can be purchased at about 30 of the tables(out of over 500)SO come on down. Sincere thanks to Johnny
FWIW, I've never been to the Creek - I have plenty of my own registered MGs to shoot when the mood strikes me without having to travel several hours and put up with Kenny's BS. I have good friends with passes to the main line (guys with the minigun) and would be quite welcome anytime I decide to go. I may not call myself a "full auto expert" but I daresay I have far more experience in the NFA community than you.

Nevertheless, if what you want is available at the Creek, feel free to ntake your own advice and go there to buy it. Again, I have to ask what you think you're going to "repair" with an 80% tube?
Maybe and maybe not BUT you are right about th BS.hahahha.Already been there and done that.Been there since 1986 and the answer is nothing but my empty bank account.My question is where in NYC can you use your toys?
Once again thanks to Johnny & Micro for your assistance.The offer is still open come to Knob Creek gun range and enjoy the largest LEGAL & throughly "watched by big brother" shoot in the states at this time.True some of the rules can be overbearing but over the years things have changed everywhere,can you imagine the grief Kenny Sumner must put up with from all of the Govremental Agencys that "are here to help us?" Yes things have changed at the Creek since I started attending in 1986 (twice a year ever since) and yes it isn't as much FUN as it was years ago BUT you still attend because of the friendships you have cultivated over the years,its not perfect,the only perfect person I know of was crucified over 2000 years ago! Hopefully I am still alowed to say that.Thanks again Bo