Need X-Mas Ideas for Best Self Defense Product (Non-Gun)


New member
Need help with a christmas gift: a self-defense product for a beautiful young woman - but not a gun.

What specific product should I get her?


How about a set of silver kitchen knives?

With a tactical folder to go with them, that would be awesome!!! :D

Each and every piece a defensive tool in its own right. ;)
OC and a pair of track shoes.

Gotta disagree with those who suggested knives. How big is she? How much training has she had? How aggressive is she? Do you really want her in close enough to a criminal to use a knife?
Dog is too high maintenance.

She's in her mid-twenties, and travels a lot.

She's pretty small, has no training, and is looking for something short of a gun. Does anyone have a specific pepper spray product to recommend, or does it not really matter, just buy anything?

Thanks again!

Defense Training in your area.

Try here:

Walt Marshall has classes at Reeds in Santa Clara as well as East Bay.

I believe that Walt has specific 2-day edged weapons defensive classes for women. Highly recommend you take a few of their gun tactics classes as well. Walt is a friend of John Jardine -maker of that Valtro you're packin'.

Take a look at their site, the trainers are real fighters who have survived multiple street encounters. Not just martial artists working with theoreticals.

btw. Did I mention that Walt consults for movies, like the bank robbery scene in "Heat"?
I second the Defensive Course suggestions.

Also, for a stocking stuffer, Fox Labs Pepper Spray... I gave it to a bunch of girls here at college, and they loved it.
Without a doubt, Fox Labs OC spray, followed by an ASP baton, Surefire 6P or 9P flashlight, and/or a Benchmade folding knife.

She could also take up Krav Maga, boxing, or Brazilian ju-jitsu.
Hate to sound like I'm jumping on a band wagon but...Training.

Find something that stresses preventative measures and situational awareness. These courses tend to fall under ideas like "safe business traveler" or "self protection for the executive". They may get into some stun-and-run tactics but it's mostly mind set and prevention.

If she's interested in a continuing education in self defense, maybe the two of you could sign-up for Krav Maga or some other combative together for the new year.
Actually, though I've done quite a bit of 'instruction' with her and guns, I'm going to look into training with Walt here in the Bay Area for her _and_ I.

Now, on the pepper spray stuff... Fox makes so many units... which to choose?

I see different percentages, different spray patterns... which option do you recommend?
A M-1 Abrams tank. :P

(hey, she'd be safe from almost anything! )

Seriously, a cell phone sounds like the best bet, as knives require lots of training to be really consistently effective with.
I got the women in my life ;) the Foxlabs 2 oz. Medium Fog Cop Top type. Good size for the purse, good positive firing system, small size but bigger then their keychain units.