Need W. W. Greener Info


If there are any experts out there in very old W. W. Greener side by sides I would like to send some photos for help ID'ing mine. It has been in my family at least 100 years and is a 10GA exposed hammer side by side. Not a real fancy gun but there is some engraving. On the rib between the barrels it says "WW Greener St. Mary's Works Birmingham Macnab & Marsh Canadian Agents" I have had others guess and am now looking for someone who may want to guess but knows more than the past contributors
WWGreener 004 (Medium).jpg

WWGreener 007 (Medium).jpg

WWGreener 010 (Medium).jpg
I don't think I can be of much direct help, but I used Google with key of "w w greener"; the company is still in business and most of those English companies kept meticulous records. I suggest writing them and see what information they may have. My guess (well, it's as good as anyone else's) as to age is early 1870's. The barrels, needless to say, are Damascus or the equivalent and I STRONGLY recommend the gun not be fired, period. And I do mean NOT with black powder.

Here is another site I came up with, it might help.

Thanks Jim but that link was to my question from 10 years ago. Graham Greener did respond to a message but said the age of the gun made it difficult because records were not precise then. I just keep trying and some day someone will recognize it as a specific model. Also, I have fired this gun many times with Canuck light loads for the last 40 years and have no worries with it at all. These Greeners are well built.
According to The Gun and its Development, the Treble Wedge-Fast action came out in 1873. Since yours does not have a crossbolt, perhaps it predates that year.
Well, I didn't find the answer, but I found the question - how's that for research?

That was my thinking, Jim. Greener illustrates a nearly identical gun in his book. He doesn't date it, but the context would place it in about that time frame.

Sorry, Soupy51, but I don't know of any source for the info you want. If the factory can't help, I doubt anyone else can, but good luck in your search.

Sorry I cant be of any help, but I have to say that a SxS 10ga, exposed hammer, thats been in the family for 100+ years just plain makes for a VERY cool gun IMHO.Very neat...
Very nice old gun, wish I could help you with it. BTW, there's nothing wrong with shooting damascus barrels with light loads as long as they're in good shape.
W W Greener

Soupy; If youcan post the serial number of your Greener, I may be able to date it. For security, replace the last 2 digits with Xs (As 674xx)..JFC
The serial number is pretty short!! 133XX. I have been in contact with Graham Greener the Great-grandson of WW and he says it is too old for records so I guess I have a real old gun with unknown history!! Thanks to all who are taking an interest in this.
W W Greener

It appears that Graham Greener knows more about Greeners than J F Cooper.. The number 19304 is an 1878 gun and t can be assumed that yours predates that, However, records are missing from 1895 to 1898 and in the 1914 period,, But I don't think your is as late as 1895..The Greener numbering system jumps around considerably and they used blocks of numbers for different grades and types,,All things considered, I feel your gun falls in the pre 1878 category.. Wish I could be of more help, it's a fine looking old gun... JFC