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The LGS has a no-lock, 4" 586 in really nice condition. No holster wear, timing, carry-up, and lockup are perfect.
Somebody, anybody, PLEASE talk me out of buying it.
You already have other great guns that you will use more and serve all your needs. That money could be better spent towards retirement or ammunition for the guns you already own. Delayed gratification goes far in life....Oh, heck write the check.
I have one and you won't be sorry if you do buy it. Mine was really nice when I bought it but now it has a lot of character(wear) after a few years of IDPA in a Kydex holster. Still shoots like new after several thousand rounds thru it. Mine is a no dash gun.
I really don't understand the "talk me out of buying " threads. If you want it buy it, if you don't want it don't buy it.
Duke Connor said:
I really don't understand the "talk me out of buying " threads.
Well, if that's the most serious thing in life, or about human nature that you don't understand, you're a lucky man. ;)
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Alright here's a short version of my story that may or may not persuade you to walk away. At one point in time I had close to 20 different firearms. Trying to feed every one of them and trying to enjoy them all I realized I spent more money on having them than shooting them. I've since downsized to what I need and a couple that I just like having around. I spend the extra money I saved from not having so many firearms on enjoying the few I have (ammo, targets, gas to go to the range, small upgrades to tailor them to me, etc).
Kwik2010 said:
At one point in time I had close to 20 different firearms. Trying to feed every one of them and trying to enjoy them all I realized I spent more money on having them than shooting them.
I understand what you're saying.
I have 30+, several of which I've never fired. It may be time to downsize.
I should clarify that the only reason is because I am not well off in the money department. Guns are not as important to nearly anyone in my family as they are to me. So if I were to ever be able to build up a large collection, it would be difficult to find someone to leave them to when I do pass on. At least anyone who would appreciate them. I hope that when I have children I can get them as excited about them as I do. Given that and an expendable income, I'd gladly build a large collection. So I guess I'm on both sides of the fence.