Need suggestions for a "stationary action" pistol match


New member
I belong to a gun club that has seen very poor pistol match attendance of late. The club offers three monthly pistol matches: 1) NRA 2700 Bullseye, 2) A PPC-style match, and 3) a 90 shot variation of the 2700, using targets at 25 and 15 yards.

For various reasons, the club is neither equipped nor inclined to accommodate more popular "run and gun" style matches, that IMHO would attract more shooters interested in practical-style shooting.

Therefore, I am looking to suggest a different style match that would appeal to potential members and existing members. Some of the parameters should be:
1) The shooter must remain stationary while the gun is loaded. But different positions, standing, prone, etc. are allowed at the range.
2) Rapid fire is allowed.
3) I am not sure how the club feels about speed draws from holsters. A lift from a bench should be fine though.

For example, the club's layout could accommodate a shooter simultaneously engaging targets at 7yd, 15, 25, and 50 yards. There are also steel plates on swingers of various sizes at 50 yards.

I would like to involve a shot-timer, and create some kind of match that rewards speed & accuracy. Also perhaps certain adjustments/handicapping for caliber, etc.

Any suggestions, particularly of matches that have a proven interest at your club, are appreciated.
Remaining stationary kinda rules out IDPA and most definitely IPSC as you know.

How about Steel Challenge or come up with a variation of it that will fit your needs. It includes speed and accuracy but you are stationary.
Check the GSSF (Glock Shooting Sports Foundation) courses of fire. They are shot standing starting with gun at low ready position but are challenging enough to catch attention.
How about Steel Challenge or come up with a variation of it that will fit your needs. It includes speed and accuracy but you are stationary.
Well, steel is expensive if you are starting from scratch. Having a few gongs is better than nothing, but enough steel for a multi-stage match is spendy.

There are also steel plates on swingers of various sizes at 50 yards
How many are there?

Just one bay? If there is more than one, it is easier to setup multiple stages and shoot them simultaneously. I shot a match that basically had one bay, and it took all day to shoot 3 stages. Better than nothing, but if I had a choice, I would have gone elsewhere.

Thanks, keep 'em coming.

There are about 20 or so lanes, but only 4 lanes directly in front of the gongs at (3, starting at 12" and down to about 4") 50 yards.

I'll check out the GSSF site for ideas too.
To be clear - when I say "bay" I mean independent shooting bays, with berms in between, so that one bay can have active shooting, and another can have scorers going downrange to score and tape targets. Sounds like you have one bay. And 20 lanes is probably not wide enough to have more than 1 active shooter, and not confuse the timers. Just mentioning this because I went to a match that had a really wide bay and setup 3 stages that had shooters running simultaneously. No one could go down to score and tape until all 3 shooters were clear.

Stationary Shooting!

GSSF Style is a good idea. You can do both paper and steel, and their courses are published so you could make good copies of them. They do use a timer and penalties for bad shots in seconds added to the time.
Good Luck