Need SP Primers? Back order at

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New member
I just checked and orders can be placed for a carton of 5,000 Small Pistol Boxer Primers, Fort Smith label. Don’t be fooled by the very low price...shipping and other charges bring the cost up to $170 delivered. Think $34/brick. Charges appear on card immediately. Each case runs the same $170 final price...can’t save by ordering multiple cases.

Full disclosure of what I now know...these appear to be Russian manufactured based on the logo on the boxes.

Expect orders to fill in about 6-8 business days.
Yeah, isn't that funny. The description says they are made by the nation's largest ammunition plant, but carefully fails to mention what nation they are referring to.

Pricing is inconsistent, too. Before shipping, they have $129 for small pistol, but $499 for large rifle and large pistol.
I have to be skeptical of any company that wants to take your money and hold it until they can get some product to ship at some unknown date. I 'll just hold onto my money until they have something to ship or until some CCI's/Federals/Remingtons start showing up at known vendors next year. Luckily was I prepared for this crap this time
Unclenick said:
Yeah, isn't that funny. The description says they are made by the nation's largest ammunition plant, but carefully fails to mention what nation they are referring to.
If you follow the second link, to the manufacturer's web site, there are some blatant clues -- and then, of course, there's the grammar and syntax, which immediately tell us that we're not dealing with native speakers of English. Then there's this:

For many years, our constant partners are OJSC «The Tula Cartridge Works», CJSC «Barnaul Cartridge Plant» and others. Primers of our production are successfully exported to USA, South America, Europe, Africa, New Zealand and other countries.
So the Tula and Barnaul cartridge factories are their "long time" partners. That's what we call a clue. And sales to the USA are "exports," so it's obviously not a U.S. based operation.

I was amused that South America, Europe, and Africa have been demoted from continents to country status. Sic transit gloria mundi.
New readers should ignore this post.

Can a moderator lock this thread.

About 11 hours after posting this the price leaped to $449.99.

Hopefully, those earlier orders for $170 delivered will be honored.
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