Need Some Pepper/Bear Spray Advice

John Ringo

New member
Sorry if this has been covered before. I just don't have the time these days to roam around the site for hours. But, I do need some help.

Well, I now apparantly live in gangland.

I need something as a primary defense before I have to rely on my G21. Should I invest in a can of pepper spray or go for the bear spray? I need something potent that could take down two people so that I could get a safe distance away. I doubt a key-chain pepper spray is going to get me out of harms way.

I could really use some help on this. I've encountered some nasty people here lately.

Sucks, doesn't it? Good ol' MS-13. They're out here in Manassas too.

Anyway you'll find larger pepper spray cannisters at most good gun shops. I personally feel the kind with a flip-top would work better than ones you have to swivel the button 90 degrees. A local LEO also said to get the ones that stream instead of fog.

BTW, unless you plan to 'open carry' the bear spray, that sucker would be really hard to stick in your pocket. Ever watch that Dog, Bounty Hunter show? :eek:
Remember this : "FOX LABS"

Thats pretty much all you need to know when it comes to pepper spray. I have tried all different kinds; mace brand, punch, deftec, etc etc. Fox labs was the most impressive.

If you want something to take care of multiple people, grab a can of this:

And for something a little smaller grab one of these in either a flip-top or cop-top (stay away from the foam):

The links go to J&L Self Defense which I have had good experiance with, very fast shipping.

As far as stream or fog, most police carry stream but I personally prefer the medium fog. If its overly and frequently windy where you live get the stream, otherwise I would suggest the fog (although the range will be a little less)

OH AND THIS IS IMPORTANT: Take a sharpie and write the date of purchase on the bottom of the can and be damn sure to replace it TWO YEARS from that date. And dont leave the can in you car, the heat can cause it to explode or leak pressure thus making it useless.
I truly feel sorry for you good folks who are in the middle of that bull$hit MS-13 gang crap. I correspond with a VA State Trooper via email and he has told me that many cops in and around VA and the DC area are now carrying surplus AR’s and AK’s w/o department permission because the brass don’t see the MS-13 as that big of a threat.

What I would love to have happen is for the people of those affected areas to just rise up and start killing these genetic throwbacks and push them to the point of extinction.

As wicked as they want to be, they are animals and animals understand one thing and that’s survival. Start killing them as fast as they can be found and once the news gets around they’ll either tighten up or GTFOOT!

I'll admit to my ignorance. I have a buddy down in Alexandria and I have never heard of Ms-13. Please fill me it. Sounds like a gang of some sort?
Thanks, for the info! I did not no who or what they were, and people wonder why we carry guns. I will pass this on to my buddy in Alexandria.
re-pepper spray

Dear Sir:
I'm sorry to diispel the "pepper-spray" advocates but in my experience on MOST subjects that attack and are determined - pepper-spray just makes them mad.
There is only ONE way to deter one who would harm you, your family or an innocent target!
To believe that spray will save your life in a real greasy situation is to fall into the politically correct crowd who don't like firearms. Yes! Pepper-spray will work on some subjects for a few instants but I've seen them, just when you think it worked, to come right after you again.
I'm trying to save your life!
Harry B.
I believe the discussion isn't pepper-spray in place of a firearm, but pepper-spray in addition to a firearm. It provides more options for response to larger variety of situations than a firearm alone.

I'm definitely considering picking up some spray now, too.
Harry Bonar -

Try this experiment.

Take a knife, place it on the ground 20 feet away. Now take a can of FOX LABS pepper spray (not some cheap crap from the corner store) and spray yourself in the face. Try to get to the knife.

If you succeed I will believe your statement.

Contrary to what everyone seems to think, not EVERYONE who assaults another person is some type of superhuman superman hopped up on PCP completely immune to anything other than .45 JHPs. I have worked apprehending criminals, sometimes violent ones, and have learned QUALITY pepper spray works 90% of the time. Whether it completely incapacitates a person or just gives you the edge against them, it is an effective tool.

Now I AGREE, it is no subsitute for a firearm, but way more often than not a firearm is not the right way to diffuse a situation, its use is EXTREMLY limited.

Pepper spray on the other hand can be used in many many many more instances than a firearm.

My suggestion, carry both. Carrying just pepper spray leaves you under-armed and carrying just a firearm leaves you open to many dangerous situations which you will not be able to properly respond to.