Need some legal info>


New member
I'm here in TX and I want to know if I can carry a loaded weapon-shotgun or rifle in my trunk.Where can I find this info and the answers to similar questions?
Mineral wells, my old stoming grounds(they had the closest movie house when I was a teenager) :)

In texas there is no stipulation on loaded or unloaded....just whether you can have the particular class of weapon with you in a given situation
(example: an unloaded pistol in your car on a traffic stop when you dont have the CHL license or dont meet the "defense to procecution" conditions
of going to or from a gun range(dont work if you dont have your targets and stapler with you , or at 3AM...or the "Traveling over night and out of county" now this one has allways been a little too open to entrpretation..some insist its over 3 county lines, and some more than that.

Now rifles and shotguns have allways been ok in the car with you or in the trunk in Texas....the only reason you dont see gun racks in pickup back windows anymore, is because of theft..not because its against the law.
Now there is time where you dont want to have a rifle or shotgun with you
when it come to Texas wildlife laws....Example sitting in your vehicle on a dirt road out in the country, with a rifle and you just happen to have a spotlight you allways keep in your car...Game warden isnt going to like that one bit....Never carry your longarm up on the dashboard of your truck for all to see at Sonic or KwiK Stop..that can cause public alarm in a town and will gerantee you will get to talk to the local police...where the same gun would have been ok muzzle down in the passenger floorboard, and stock resting on the seat.(just be sure if stopped to keep both hands on the stearing wheel and tell the officer you have your old shotgun in the passenger side..follow instructions given for the next few minutes lol) The good thing around there, there are few anti gun big city boys running around that county in uniform, most are going to be shooters and gunowers themselves.