Need Some Help With Ohio Law!


Moderator Emeritus
I need to know if there are any laws on the books in Ohio concerning the posession and use of a gun near a church day-care center/pre-school. I would be happy with a link on where to look for it also, if nobody knows specifically.

The reason I ask is that the 20 acre field next to me has been bought by a church and they plan to build the above facilities near my house. My home was built by my great-grandfather and has been owned by my grandfather, father and myself. I routinely do target practice in my back yard and am worried that I may be forced to stop if a law against it exists. They need to get a zoning variance to build. I hope I don't have to fight it but I will if I have to. (I can think of worse neighbors than a church)

Thanks for any and all help.



"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website