Need some advice on a 43 Mosin in need


New member
Hello all, I won this in an auction and knew I had my work cut out for me. She's an all matching 43 Izhevsk, bore is awesome, wood is great...Except for the "Artist", who decided this ole warhorse needed some Urban camouflage...I'm not sure what kind of paint or how he applied it, but after some 0000 steel wool and mineral spirits, I was able to gently persuade it to get off my rifle. There is just a faint outline of the J or F that was near the butt plate, and hopefully with a little more will/elbow power that to will cease to exist. My issue is where some of the bold lines were there is a indentation in the wood, like he used a ballpoint pen when applying the ink/paint. So I ask you this, would you try to raise the grain and lightly sand the area or leave be? Also, some of the finish/shellac came off in the process of paint removal. Would you strip the whole rifle and reapply, or is there someway to "touch-up" the finish?

Also, when disassembling, I noticed these metal plates under the tang and trigger guard, I've never seen this before. Are these original? Thanks for all advice and comments...Please enjoy the
I don't know about those plates, but unless they interfere with anything, I'd leave them there. '43 was a tough year for Russian rifle builders- they could have added them to make up for slop work in hacking out the stock.

As far as the indentions / impressions in the wood- You might try laying a damp to wet washcloth over them and go over them with a hot iron (clothes ironing type). Don't use one of your wife's good cloths- that's sure not to go over well. Unless the grain is cut, the steam should raise the indented parts for you to sand or buff or whatever you think it needs after the raising.

And, as for me, I would strip the whole thing. It might be highly unlikely that you'd get a good match for whatever finish they originally used. Those stocks actually look sharp for what they are when they're totally re-done. I have no idea how to find it again, but I saw a Youtube video where a guy actually boiled some old milsurp stocks in long tanks with dishsoap or something- those things turned out really sharp.

Those metal "plates" are shims, just like the shims in my accuracy kits! Looks like the Finnish kind, though the Russians did some shimming too.

Is there an "SA" stamped anywhere on the receiver? That would mean it was Finnish capture.

Would love to see more pics.

As for the dents, you can try raising them with steam. An iron works well. I'm not an expert in the process but there are a lot of tutorials on the web. Try Google.


Josh, let me know what kind of pics you need and you shall get'em....I haven't completely searched the reciever for the SA stamp as I was to focused on the stock. I'll check it out though soon....

Mostly interested in the stamps on the barrel shank as I'm curious as to what you have there!

Raising dents with steam really is your best bet at this point, I think.


Hate to say you've invested a ton of time and energy for naught...

But, 91/30 stocks are a dime a dozen, all over Ebay and other sites from guys that have "sporterized" their Mosin-Nagants- cheap.

I have a couple lying around myself. I would cut my losses at this point- and just buy another stock for it.
Looks like the pic is from the bottom of the barrel...nothing there to see there.
Tang date is '43 as you'd expect.

What Josh was referring to would be a "boxed" "SA" proof- usually it would be on the side of the barrel above the stock line.


Always the possibility that the shims were added more recently by a prior owner as well.