Need some advice about reaching people


We teach both the Arizona and Utah CCW classes here in Phoenix, AZ. Last summer we set up and did some classes for the Utah CCW in other cities, but we had some issues with getting the word out to other people.

Local papers charge a small fortune to run an ad if you are from another city, sheesh! I am just at a loss about how to really get a fast word of mouth thing going without going broke to do it. Obvoiusly we could spend a ton of on advertising but then we would have to charge way more for the class and we really don't want to do that.

The classes we are trying to get the word out about right now are in Atlanta and Dallas. If anyone has any words of wisdom on this I would be grateful, I only have a couple of more weeks till we are supposed to have the class in Atlanta so time is pretty critical.

Thanks for all your help!!
Well, what you just did is a start ;)

Also, see about hanging flyers in gun-friendly areas with the owners permision. Gun shops, bait shops, sporting goods stores etc.
If it was only local

That is the problem we are running into, of course if we were in the Atlanta area we would do all that kind of canvas thing but since we are traveling to that town just to teach the class, it is way harder to get hooked in with the locals as it were.

I tried that whole call them and fax it to them thing before for another class and it didn't work out too great.

I guess maybe we need to get hooked up with a local group and offer a sponsor package maybe to get this happening on a local basis.

Deanna :)
see if some of the small news stations would do a little report on your class, about what it is, what goes on and the purpose of the class or whatever.

or maybe you can get ahold of somebody at the court house. I'm sure people call there looking to get their CCW permit but there are no classes being taught then. they can refer them to you.
"see if some of the small news stations would do a little report on your class," how he teaches people how to conceal a gun and how to shoot people?

I dont know if I would recomend the newz