Need sling help Highpower

Navy joe

New member
Looking for Kraig or others, want to get the lowdown on how to rig a pulseless sling. I've got a brand new Turner NM sling and want to see if I can improve things over my previous slinging. Looks like I'm going to get orders to the fleet matches here for the next two weeks, haven't shot the gun since fleet matches in '09. Sounds horrific until you consider in '09 I showed up having shot the gun once in the last 3 years, didn't even know how to put the sling on right, had no coat and never shot Highpower. So, I am waaay ahead of the game this time. :D

Creedmoor hardback coat and an M-1A if any of that info matters.

I'll be keeping my experienced looking MRT sling to stick on for off-hand/ as a spare.
The 1907 or MRT sling is the way to go.

Here is some good instructions for its use.

Maybe I miss read you but you can't use the sling in offhand.

Make sure you get a larger coat then you need, the way to dampen the pulse is with heavy sweat shirts under the coat.

After you figure out how to put on the sling, practice, mark the sling ( a ball point pen will work) so you know where to put it for each position.

Before the match, spend as much time as you can in the sling dryfiring.

When shooting HP slow fire at 600 or 1000 yards you normally shoot 20 round strings. After 10 rounds, (or sooner if you need to) completely come out of position and re-adjust the sling.

I highly recommend you get the AMU Service Rifle Guide from the CMP Bookstore, best $6.95 you'll spend for rifle shooting.
That's what I 'm with, a 1907 from Turner's I currently have it rigged like Jim Owens book tells me too, looking for the pulseless wrap that some are using, can't figure out how to rig it. I know they leave it on their coat, just hook it to the front swivel of the gun when it's time to shoot. I was talking about the MRT on the gun for offhand just because it is required to be on the gun. Some I've seen using just a clip on web sling to satisfy that rule. The MRT is pretty much toast as a usable sling.

Got the sweatshirt. Gear I lack is a scope, stool and mat, been doing okay on loaners.

Might get the chance to shoot 1,000 yards this time, what's a good rough guess at a comeup from 500 to 600 and then from 600 to 1000 with the M-1A and M118? Last match I shot only had a 500 line. I averaged about 187, best of the 2 weeks was 194-7 so I think the gun will do 1000 if I can find the paper.
If you are shooting Service Rifle you can't use a pulse thingy on the sling. I don't believe its required to have the sling in the "parade" position while shooting off hand any more (but most people do).

Come ups: I can tell you on my Heavy Match M1A, my 200 yard zero is 11 clicks up. 15 at 300, 29 @ 600, and 44 @ 1000.

The ammo was 852 to 600 and Mexican Match at 1000 ( the old 180 SMKs, simular to the 175 SMKs)

Your rifle and position will be different but the above will get you on paper. Just figure out what your 200 yard zero is and do the math, mine was 11, so basicly you'd come up 3-4 to get to 300, another 12-14 to get to 600, and from 600 another 14-16 clicks.

Again your miliage (or gun/ammo) may vary, but that will get you close and on paper.
I use the no-pulse set up on two Turner biothanes and a Weller leather for SR. Do a Google and you will come up with how to rig it. It is convenient to have it on your arm when you go to the line, and just have to string it. Also its easier to adjust if you need to take up a notch. There is one problem, the keeper wants to walk into the frog. I solved that by a pop rivet so the keeper doesn't walk. Dont do it right away, get familiar with it and you will see what I'm talking about. I see a lot of shooters using this configuration now. I don't think it has any effect on pulse though, just easier to sling up and adjust.

A trick to getting the biothane to release... grab where the end is attached to the frog, and give a tug up and back.

I put a web sling on (parade) for off-hand.
Thanks for the info all. Kraig, your zero will help a lot, sounds pretty close to mine considering I finally found my rather sparse notes, my 500 yd zero was chasing between 8-9 up from my 200 and I see I was conceited enough to think I could see the 1/2 difference with my hood. So, if 9 at 500, +12 sounds good for 600. Hard to get info at the match, probably only be a dozen of us shooting .308. Sad poodley times we live in. Oh well, the big boy ammo line at the truck is lots shorter. Being forced to shoot free M118, the horror.
Well anyway, I went to the match and got pics of two different ways to rig a 1907 up as I was looking for. I'll get some pics up, the one I stuck with I can crank it down until my hand goes numb if so desired with no slipping. Shooting an M-14, the slipping was the biggest thing I was trying to fix.
A hint to keep the sling from slipping:

Firm Grip (spray adhesive), spray it on the rubber pad on your shooting coat. Also spray some on the rifle where your gloved had goes.

You shoot (in rapid fire) two 10 shot strings normally. Come out of position between strings and re-apply the sling. The same with slow fire. After about 10 rounds (of the 20 round string) come out of position again, redo the sling.

Also it wouldn't hurt to put firm grip on the butt of the rifle, in off hand, on your left elbow (if right handed) where it come in contact with the rib cage.

Spray some on the shooting mat where your elbows go in the prone, also it wouldn't hurt to put some on the mat where your knees line up. I would recommend some shooting pants with rubber pads on the seat, and knees.

On the M14/M1A, here is an example of where to put the Firm Grip.
