The shotgun looks to have the original wood furniture except it's been harshly refinished (with quite a bit of wood removed in doing so) at some point. Notice on the stock what looks like the checkering on the pistol grip part of the stock has been sanded to the point that almost all of it has been removed, and the forend has no corners. They have been sanded to the point of being rounded. The barrel's chambers should measure to fit 2 3/4 inch shells and will handle standard 12 GA. 2 3/4 inch loads. That is if the complete shotgun is tight, locks up good and tight with no head spacing problems, and passes a gunsmiths check. The barrels aren't Damascus steel. I have a J. Stevens Arms & Tool model 335 double without the external hammers that is older than this shotgun and it's chamber measures OK for 2 3/4 inch shells and handles the standard 2 3/4 inch shells from most any well known maker well. Each barrel of your shotgun should have a different choke size such as full in one and modified in the other, or modified in one and improved/open cylinder in the other. Rarely did both barrels come with the same choke size. It being a 12 GA., you can check the chokes in the barrels with a dime coin. If a dime put down the barrel catches and won't exit the barrel's muzzle, it most likely has a full choke. That is a quick way of checking. Measuring the barrel's bore size, then measuring the muzzle end (choke) size will tell you the % of constriction and there by giving you the true choke size each barrel has. The years for date of manufacture of the shotgun that's been given to you on this thread fall into about the right time frame.