Need recommendations - shooting apps for android


New member
Well, I've finally done it and gotten myself into the 21st century phone wise. I've given up my old flip phone and moved to a Galaxy S5. Now, I'm looking for recommendations on the best shooting related apps (free preferred).

Your thoughts are appreciated.
Legalheat @ .99¢ gun laws including what ccws each state accepts. Free updates every time a law changes. Ive had it for years.

IPSC Shot Timer. Actually work good
Here is a little bit to get started. I'm sure others will chime in with more.

Strelok, ballistic software.

Ballistics, ballistic software.

BrassBadger ammo tracker. Ammunition in stock tracker for large retail stores.

Shot preparation related:

Maps Ruler, map distance app which is useful for getting distance between two points. Can also used for other orienteering purposes.

Smart Measure, a range finder application that estimate range based on the dimensions of distant object. useful when you don't know the exact location of your target.

Not shooting related, but useful (converting European load data in grams to Imperial grains for example).

Converter, switches between metric and imperial and other units of measure.

Hope this helps,
There are several mil dot apps that do the math for you. I keep the BDC charts for my ammo as pdf files. Parking apps are good if you hunt or fish unfamiliar areas.

Angry Birds - STAY AWAY. You will waste many hours of your life.
We use, and we usually get first round hits when we don't have dope already.

Shooter ($10) is also popular.
Don't waste your money on phone apps. Especially ballistics SW. Very few programmers ever see a firearm much less shoot or reload. Far too many variables for a program anyway. Lots of free stuff available.
Gun laws can be had on the NRA's site, Reciprocal licences included.
"...Imperial grains..." No such thing. The grains used in reloading and everything else shooting related are Avoirdupois units.