Need recommendations, duck gun


New member
I'm 4 years new to duck hunting (lifelong hunter of most other animals, and long time rifle collector and enthusiast), and learning pretty quickly that this sport is miserably abusive on hardware. I'm looking for a solid recommendation on a durable duck gun, 12 ga, 28-30" bl, able to digest any load (2-3/4 to 3.5"). My budget is $2500, no preference on pump v. semi-auto, more interested in something camo-dipped synthetic that I can depend on but not be afraid to use as a paddle for my canoe. If you have field experience, your opinion is appreciated!
I've been shooting a Benelli SBE for three years, great gun, but there are plenty of options given your budget. Benelli, Beretta, Winchester SX series, Browning Silver, all are very dependable auto loaders if you go that route.
I recommend the Winchester SX3. I have tried the benelli and it just kicks too hard esp with 3 1/2s. The gas guns help a lot with the recoil. I really like the SX3 because it is light. Depending on how you hunt that can mean a lot.I also don't believe in all the hype about them being so reliable. I hunt with a guy that has a SBE and It jams just as much as my SX3. Most of the problems with both guns are the ammo that gets dirty/wet. The gas system of the SX3 really does not get very dirty at all. Almost all the fouling is in the receiver where any semi auto will gather it. I purposely don't clean during the off months when shooting clays to see just how dirty it will get before it jams or malfunctions. Never had that happen.
The list is too long to create. I am not hard on equipment, and my buddy is. My 1966 1100 looks barely used and his 30 year old BPS looks like it has been thru two world wars - the original black synthetic stock is mostly brown now. They both work flawlessly. I switch back and forth between a 3" Model 1100 and a Wingmaster just because I like to, and have for 50 years now. I shot and tried about everything, over 40 semi autos and some pumps including 10 gauge, when steel came along, but I have gone back to 3" 12 gauge and tungsten.
If you don't like recoil or two piece stocks I don't think you will like a 3-1/2" inertia gun, or a pump.
For $2500 you can have a shotgun and a boat to get to a blind. You don't have to spend that much.
Look into a Mossberg Combo. Gives you a bird barrel(ducks are usually a full choke) with changeable chokes and a slug barrel. Some of 'em come with 3 barrels too. Come camouflaged as well.
Any trigger time with Mossbergs auto? Im not sure that I have ever seen one, curious as to how they perform. Does anyone think that wet or cold weather would give an advantage to inertial v gas mechanisms?
I saw 1100s jam all the time in the duck blind back in the 80s.

Benelli, double or pump if you want to hunt instead of field gunsmithing and advanced cursing.
I still go back to a pump for the duck blind, I like the 870 magnum express, mine is in black. Recoil even with the 3 1/2 shells is not too bad, never had a reliability problem. If there is a next one for me it probably will be a Browning BPS.

Well I have been shooting 1100s for 52 years and never have jams except a couple of times when I got brush in the ejection port. An 1100 will not run as clean as some newer designs, but I clean all my guns anytime I shoot them, and they are dead reliable in the right hands. The nut on the back of the stock is a semi autos worst enemy.
No advantage reliability wise between a good gas gun and an inertia action. An inertia action will run longer between cleanings, but they use gas guns in Argentina too.
In spite of some opinions, and world class marketing, there is nothing magic about Benelli except how much they get for them.
I have been hunting with a Benelli Super Black Eagle since 2007.

The gun has failed me twice. Once the action was literally frozen shut. My fault on that one.

The other issue was ammunition related; the extractor was constantly ripping the brass off of Blackcloud #2 and #4 shot.

Other than that, the gun has been utterly reliable, and I've hunted Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia with it. In temperatures ranging from high 70s to hovering around the 0 mark.
Time to go and see whats on the shelves. Im not hearing too much negative about any given model, so i might just go see what fits and feels right. Ive had fun reading about the numerous makes and models. So many choices--gotta love the competition in this industry!
With a $2500 budget the sky is the limit. If you can find what you want in a camo finish fine, but I'd choose the gun I liked even if it were not in camo. Black works just fine.

In a pump I like the Browning BPS best followed closely by the Benelli Nova. They are well liked and I think reliable enough, but I simply don't like the Mossbergs. I've preferred 870's for a while, but today Browning or Benelli are building better pump guns.

If you decide on a semi-auto the 1st decision you need to make is gas operated vs inertia operated.

Gas guns tend to be heavier. That combined with the gas system mean less recoil. They must be kept cleaner in order to function. A lot of guys use them for hunting, but the trend is to for gas operated guns to be used more for range games where the weight and recoil reduction help when hundreds of shots are fired in a day.

Inertia guns such as the Benelli's are lighter, simpler designs. Recoil is more brisk, but no worse than a pump or double. The simpler design is less likely to malfunction if dirty.

I have no use for 3.5" shells and have found the guns designed to shoot them tend to be a little less reliable with lower powered shells. To me it makes no sense to buy a gun that functions with ammo I'll likely never need when it is less reliable with the ammo I actually use 99% of the time. With that in mind the Benelli M-2 would be my choice. It shoots 2 3/4" and 3" shells very reliably. Instead of using 3.5" steel shot I can always pay the big bucks for the more expensive bismuth 3" shells that will do the same thing as 3.5" steel. The ammo costs more, but for no more than I'll ever shoot it is worth it to me.
Benelli semi-auto by far my best recommendation.

Get a model that has the "comfort tech" recoil supression system in it really makes a difference...and personally in a semi-auto I like the 30" barrels / the Inertia system shoots much cleaner than most gas guns - and its more reliable in my opinion.

Big Jim is exactly right. I have the SuperSport and recoil is not bad and they are reliable when clean enough which will more than get you through your hunt. For hunting you might not like it's nickel receiver though. That waterfowl edition should be the best auto money can buy. They also make an all black model with a comfort tech stock. The all black might be the one to get if you also want to shoot sporting clays and not look like Elmer Fudd.
My Benelli SBE has been very reliable and, at least with 3" shells, doesn't seem to me to kick anymore than gas-operated semi-autos I've shot. Though I don't have much use for 3 1/2" shells at the present time, I like the fact I'll be able to use them should the need ever arise.
Save your money and get the full camo-ed 870 Express Super Mag at Walmart---goes for $367 around here.

Use the other $2100 for something else you want or get the wife something nice.

No sense tearing up an expensive gun in the duck blind.