Need opinions 50BMGs


New member
I am in a position to choose either a McMillan Tac50 or a Barret M95. If any persons here care to opine about which is preferable and why. I know either one will suit my needs but I will likely not have this opportunity again so I'd like to know as much manutia about each before making a choice.
I've never shot either one, but in my mind there is no comparison between the two. Barrett is the only option for .50 cal rifles. There is a reason its what the military uses. I've shot about everything else the Army has, but never the .50!! :mad:

This may not be important to you, but if you walk up to the range, chances are no one will know what the TAC50 is. Put a Barrett up there and everyone will know what you've got and that they don't want to be anywhere near you on the firing line! Haha :)
I've never shot either one, but in my mind there is no comparison between the two. Barrett is the only option for .50 cal rifles. There is a reason its what the military uses. I've shot about everything else the Army has, but never the .50!!

This may not be important to you, but if you walk up to the range, chances are no one will know what the TAC50 is. Put a Barrett up there and everyone will know what you've got and that they don't want to be anywhere near you on the firing line! Haha

You don't know what you are talking about.

The military has some Barrets. That's a fact, but it doesn't mean anything or answer the question.
I've never shot either one, but in my mind there is no comparison between the two. Barrett is the only option for .50 cal rifles. There is a reason its what the military uses. I've shot about everything else the Army has, but never the .50!!

This may not be important to you, but if you walk up to the range, chances are no one will know what the TAC50 is. Put a Barrett up there and everyone will know what you've got and that they don't want to be anywhere near you on the firing line! Haha


Another one of these "it's the best because the military uses SOME of them"...:(

Sure, everyone will know what the Barrett is, because it has been marketed heavily, and because it was one of the first purpose built commercial rifles chambered in .50BMG, not because it's the best...

Accuracy of the Barrett is just so-so compared to others on the market - Accuracy International, Armalite AR-50, McMillian Tac50, Steyr HS .50, to name a few.

To the OP, what is your intended use - Just for fun at nominal ranges, just for fun at long ranges (800-1,000 yards +), just for a reaction from the crowd?

If you plan on shooting it and want good down range performance, go for the McMillan. If it's just for the "WOW Factor", get the Barrett.
I'd go with the Mcmillan TAC-50. I've shot the little brother version (.338Lapua) before and it just feels like a solid rifle when prone. We were limited to 700yds and my best group was around 8" 3 shot. Now this was also my first time shooting the rifle and at that range. My buddy (his rifle) jumps on it and pulls off a under 3" group.
I don't know who made them, but there is one out there that has a safety issue. I remember seeing videos of it blowing the bolt out the back just before it was fully locked in. I really don't follow that stuff. It may have been a kit gun.
the barrett is a sweet weapon and is super rugged. the bullpup design is also a plus. but the tac 50 appears to be the superior rifle in terms of accuracy and recoil. i like the fact that it has a folding stock, but the real selling point is mcmillan guarantees 0.5MOA. the reports from the range speak highly of its superior accuracy over the barrett. are you wanting to shooting ultra long-range with accuracy? get the tac 50. are you going into combat and need a rifle that can be run over by MRAP's and keep running? get the barret.

for me the coice would come down to how much i wnted to spend and how far i wanted to shoot. also take into consideration where you are planning to shoot and how you will be transporting it. the m95 and the tac-50 both weigh in right at about 25 pounds but the bullpupped m95 is 12" less in length. but the tac-50's stock is easily removed for transporttaking it's length down a hair shorter than the m95

good problems to have. i would vote for accuracy and get the TAC-50
I've ocassionally shot a Barrett M99 and the Bushmaster BA50 from a few guys at my gun club who own them , and strictly from my recreational amateur shooter standpoint, I couldn't tell any major differences. They both were heavy, kick the snot out of you , let out a ferocious BOOM , and then everyone laughs and applauds after they fire a round and thinks to themselves "dam , that was awesome, but no way I would own one of these cannons" LOL
Other then the "coolness factor" (which cant be ignored), i would not drop the coin on one or the ammo associated with it UNLESS i could stretch its legs past 1k yards. Inside that there are plenty of rifles that will do the job. 338Lapua, 300win, even the lowly 308 can make consistent hits out to 1000.

But heck, if you want one...get one

I appreciate the useful portions of the feed back. Accuracy is always paramount and from this feedback and some other research I will be going with the McMillan. I know there are more accurate 50s but they are all pretty much bench rest only style weapons.

GunPlummer: with regard to Out Of Battery Detonations and 50 BMG rifle. You are likely thinking of the AR UPPER style 50BMG rifles. Many have poorly designed bolts that are only safe to operate by placing the round on the bolt face and then chambering it rather than forcing the extractor claw over the rim as you would with a "normal" push feed bolt design.
I don't know who made them, but there is one out there that has a safety issue. I remember seeing videos of it blowing the bolt out the back just before it was fully locked in. I really don't follow that stuff. It may have been a kit gun.

Probably Hesse/ Vulcan Arms :eek:

And FWIW, both the U.S. Navy Seals (MK 15 Mod 0), Israel, and the Canadians use the Tac-50. Haven't kept up, but I do believe Rob Furlong (Canada) has the 2nd longest confirmed kill with the Tac-50.

You didn't state the intended use of the weapon, but given that you're not in the sandbox and don't seem to need an anti-material rifle I'm guessing it's a range toy so real-world factors probably don't matter as you said.

While the Barrett is certainly no slouch, everything I've read suggests the Tac-50 is the more accurate weapon system.

The dot mil used it for a reason. It's a much better gun overall in terms of quality and durability, as well as accuracy.
Wow, I feel like I'm in a gun store surrounded by all the usual.

You guys did notice that the McMillan is in use by our military....right????

You guys do know that Barrett was one of the first, and the first large scale 50BMG anti material rifle company in the USA right? (Steyer would have to fight for contracts when a domestic option exists).

Barret was in the right place at the right time with the right funding and people when the government came looking for a BMG rifle, and then a BMG semi-auto. They make a good product, but there is room for improvement. And just because the military uses something, doesn't make it the best. In fact, it usually means that it's the lowest bidder. Anyone that has served any time knows very well that the military can stick you with a bunch of junk.

C'mon guys. The history of Barret is not very long. It's a relatively young company. It takes an evenings light reading to learn most of whatever is publicly learnable about the company. A little more research, and you'll learn things that are not normally public too.

Barrett makes a good rifle, but there is always room for improvement and innovation. And it has happened. Listen to the guys who know the guns. Not the guys saying "well Uncle Same knows best and he chose X".
Actually the USMC used the Iver Johnson single shot in Granada. Pre Barrett. I've a AMAC 5100/ Iver Johnson manufactured by Ultimate Accuracy. I have one of those I got a while back because I wanted a 30BMG. A heavy beast with a 36" bbl. It was under $3000.
Then I picked up my GEOAZ Custom State Arms 50 BMG Shorty ONLY 24 POUNDS and can break down to only 26 inches long.....18" barrel, adjustable bipod, adjustable stock, TITANIUM Break, fluted Barrel, Picatinny rail, Timney Trigger with Safety, KICK-EEZ recoil pad, adjustable cheek rest and stock.
It is a single shell holder line my other 50.This one was under 2000. Really more fun to shoot than my AMAC as more blast and flame than recoil.
Keep in mind you need a good $$ sight to put on them. They are not cheap and the 5o beats even the best sight system up.