Need list over places the S has HTF

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New member

I've been stocking up my own pantry now for preparedness,
after I "woke up", so to say. For now, it got food enough for a week, and about 20 gallons of water. I want to get it all up to the point that my family could sustain on it for a month, for now.

Problem is, my parents are really hassling me about it. They're 100% pure sheeple, and I'm catching alot of flak when I stash new items.
"What you need that for? The birdflu is coming, the birdflu is coming!!" etc.

So, I need a list over places the S has HTF to put up in my pantry to get a point across. I know I've seen a list like it on the web before, but I couldnt find it.

So, anyone with some sense of a memory, feel free to help me out here!
Well lets see,

New orleans hurricane
Sanfrancisco earthquake
new york power outage
rodney king riots
spencer SD tornado cluster

Do you live close to any kind of manufacturing facility with haz mat chemicals? If so thats an automatic pass on water supplies. Just say youre worried about contaminated drinking water from xxxxxx plant.

SW (scroll down to 20th & 21st century)

Tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, chemical spills, airline & train crashes, terrorist attacks, blizzards, power outages (black or brownouts), nuclear oops, rioting, wildfires... all sorta depends on where you live. The veneer of civilization we wear is really quite thin and easily damaged (witness New Orleans last fall or South Central L.A. in '92) in stressful situations.

You could (and maybe should?) prepare a Boy Scout backpack with all necessary items for a long weekend campout. Some call it a bug-out bag and snicker. I call it wise. Also good for hunting or camping. ;)

You could be like wise LDS families and have a quantity of non-perishable foods/water available. Good to eat & replenish as needed.

Some form of outside communication (CB Radio or short band radio) and power for it might be nice.

Money... Some opt for precious metals, i.e., silver, gold, platinum, precious stones... Jeff Cooper suggested ammunition... your call here. :rolleyes:

Medical things... first aid, etc.

Mobility... also nice to have when needed.

Always be nice to have a place to go to... provided you can get out of any local chaos safely.

Like weapons, it's better to have it and not need it than need it and...

If you're serious, another approach is to become a local Boy Scout leader, take their leadership training (BSA), work with local kids, make some new contacts (property owners outside of town to allow you and boys a camp out locale, similar minded parental types, local community leaders) (click on Site Map, scroll down to T training)

As a Scout Leader, very few people will question a reason for your preparedness skills and gear. Plus, you'll be giving something forward... maybe making a real difference in someone's life.

or not.
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