Need laser advice

Prof Young

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My wife recently completed her CC training. I got her a Sig 365 that is chambered in 380. In practice, she was having a hard time passing the shooting part of her CC training. To make do I had her shoot the Walter 22 for the real test and she did better than some of the young guys. In the meantime, I let her try my Beretta PX4 storm just to see how she did with a gun outfitted with a laser. She did well. She has an eye issue that makes it hard for her to focus on sights and targets. So, the clear solution is to get her a laser for her Sig. The 365 has a rail picatinny underneath. The storm has a Laser Max Spartan on it but it does not fit well on the 365. So, all that to get to my question . . .

I need recommendations for a laser to go on a Sig 365 . . . talk to me.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Similar to the LIMA365 linked above, the Crimson Trace Laserguard 422 is grip-button activated, but also has a physical On/Off switch - but more expensive. Same 1/3N battery and ~5mW power.

My wife has a CT laserguard on her S&W 380 EZ for a couple of years now. She really likes it and the ability to just turn it off for cleaning, iron-sight practice, and transport (to/from the range in a range bag). It did take some practice for her to consistently grip for activation.

Since you mention CC: do not forget to verify your preferred holster brand has a model that accommodates the laser model you like.
Well . . .

Given that the sig model and the crimson trace model look almost identical and there is a 200 buck price difference, I've order the sig model.

Will let you know how it goes.

Life is good.

Prof Young
Sig laser installed.

So the sig lima laser came and is now installed. Easy installation. In fact the hardest part of the install was getting the thing out of the heavy duty blister package! Anyway, sig was wise enough to put left-right and up-down indicators around the adjustment screws. Bravo sig.

We haven't take it to the range yet, but that's coming soon.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Thanks for the update. Did you pick the red or green laser? I would be interested to hear how the range session goes. My wife sometimes has trouble seeing hers (CT; green) in daylight at 10yards.
Red . . .

I picked red for her and have got it sighted in, but she hasn't tried it yet and I haven't tried it in daylight outside of the range. Seems easy to adjust.
Life is good.
Prof Young
Considering one

I've been considering adding a guide rod laser to my trusty G19 Gen 3. Anyone have experience red vs. green? My understanding is green is easier to see esp. in daylight. That said green is considerably more costly vs. red.
Pricey darn things, however there is much to be said for no change to the weapon at all, my current holsters will all work of course.
I think a lot depends on why you are considering the laser.

For example, on my wife's gun it was in case of defensive use in low light where the iron sights might not be quite as visible - yes, I know about point shooting. So green worked better because she would also have to practice (a lot) in daylight at our outdoor range.

If you're only going to use it at indoor ranges or not rely on it during daylight hours (use the iron sights instead), then maybe a red suffices.

I really cannot tell you how much more visible green might be over red in your daylight (in Phoenix, my daylight is a whole other monster).
Ricklin: i have had both red and green, kinda apples and oranges...

neither work well in direct sun light.

the green i can see over half a mile in night use. the red not hardly as far but again it's apples... the red wasn't as powerful to begin with. for night work i prefer the red.
If you look at a color sensitivity plot, you see the human eye is more sensitive to green than to red, but that, for laser spots, assumes the same number of mW of light at the same beam diameter are being compared on surfaces that are equally reflective of both colors.