Need Laptop for School (Colorado Springs)


New member
I'm heading off to Colorado Springs for a 6 week NCO course and am looking for a laptop to take with me. As I'm dumber than dirt about computers though I'd ask here for recommendations.

What I need is somthing to connect to the web with as I'd hate to miss out on 6 weeks of TFL!!!! I'd like as big of a screen as possible and need Word 97, excel and possibly Power Point on the laptop as a minumum.

Any Recommendations ?????

I'm putting Dell Latitude CPi laptops out to my users. 300MHz, 128MB RAM, 4.3GB drive. They're not bad, for OEM machines. Very few problems have been reported to me.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
me i use a gateway solo its not that fast but it dose the job 166 mghz pentium with mmx 10 gig hard drive cd rom 3.5 drives 13.1 in screen and a modem i think if i remember correctly i paid a littel over 1000 for it

Not too fast? Big deal. I'm on a Compaq Presario 5528. It has a 75mhz Pentium from before there was a Pentium II, 24MB of memory (I expanded from 8!), about 1 gig. of hard drive, and the first-release, bug-ridden (well, more bug-ridden :) ) version of Win95. I haven't noticed any slowness--except when I use my friend's PII at 300mhz. Point is, go for the better deal on a slower machine if you get the chance--as long as you're not the jittery type you'll be fine.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
That Sony Portable... Avoid it...
Go ahead and get a Laptop - When My home Machine was hard down I used a Palm Top machine from HP... it "worked" but it was so slow... but then again - it only cost 500 bucks. :) Oh - and it couldnt do any images or gifs or anything and navigating was a chore... and... Okay - it was a lame replacement...

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Thanks for all the ideas, so far I'm looking at the Dell, Micron and Gateway laptops. Of these are any of them better than the others is ease of use and operator stupidness??

I think this will be the one we end up getting if the wifey poo will let me :)

Any imput on this system???

Can't get a MAC as they do not run the programs I need.

[This message has been edited by Joey (edited October 05, 1999).]

Designer colors, designed for life in a backpack. Apple says the hinge is unbreakable.. can you find out if this is the case??


you'll get my mac when you pry it from my cold dead fingers,

well i havent managed to brak my laptop yet i did manage to drop it of the roof of my car once luckily it was in a carring case and landed on soft ground so it was ok i use my lap top for ever thing i just gave of on my desk top since it crased everyother day strictly use the laptop now of course this laptop is about 10 times bettr than my desktp machien

actually the FBI carries Mac powerbooks in the field because it is the only portable system that can run Mac OS, Win 95 and Linux

microsoft office 98 has a native mac word excel & powerpoint

doc Zox
"Being a Mac user is like being a Navy SEAL: a small, elite group of people with access to the most sophisticated technology in the world, who everyone calls on to get the really tough jobs done quickly and efficiently."
George, are you comparing the Sony Vaio Slimtop to a palmtop?! Portable means bigger than a laptop, not smaller. For the same amount of money as a laptop, you get much better performance. Or you can get the same performance as a laptop for much less money.

If you need to use it on the plane, etc., then get a laptop. If you're going to be in the same motel room for six weeks, why not get the most bang for the buck?
NO! Ewok - I wasnt - Sony does Rock - but the Portable one you showed... My co worker has one - and he Cusses it daily...

The Palmtop - Well... I cussed it too! Now my Wiffy usses it for all (okay - some ) of her Domestic Goddess applications. :)

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
If light-weight is a major concern - if you're literally going to be using it on your lap - I can recommend the Vaio SuperSlim and SuperSlim Pro notebooks. The SuperSlim is 3.1 pounds, with a Pentium II 333MHz.