Need info on old rifle


New member
I've got a percussion cap rifle, it's got the name '' D. Oblinger & Co. '' written on the top of the barrel and the name J. Golcher on the side.
Any ideas about it's value or how old it is?

Your help is grealy appreciated ! ! !

THANK YOU............
Yes, on the right side in very small writing it says '' J. Golcher ''

The widow that actually ownes the rifle thinks it is pre civil war. But the octaganal barrel, rifling in the barrel and percussion rather than flint made me think it's not as old as she thinks....
I get home to my reference books tomorrow night.

If you don't hear from me by Monday night, send me a private message and rattle my cage.
James Golcher, of Philadelphia Co., PA, made complete guns as well as gun locks; in this case, one of his locks was used by David Oblinger, who was a gunsmith in Piqua, Ohio, from before 1859 to 1890. The gun may well be pre-Civil War, but many conservative hunters bought and used muzzle loaders well into the era of the repeating rifle, partly due to the cost of fixed ammunition. As to precussion guns, the percussion cap came into use in the U.S. around 1830 and by the Civil War almost all the new guns were percussion, though some customers still wanted flintlocks because they didn't require "store bought" caps.

By the Civil War, few gunsmiths actually made guns, any more than they do today. Locks, barrels, and rough finished stocks, as well as furniture, were available from gunsmith supply houses, like Little in Pittsburgh.

Value on those rifles depends, like most guns, on condition. Caplock rifles in good condition usually bring in the $2000-3000 range, but a really super one can go a lot higher, and a junker (there are a lot of them) much less.


One problem...

Joseph Golcher was also active in Philadelphia, at roughly the same time, and also made locks. I've seen some discussion of whether the two were related or not.
Good point, Mike, but I think Joseph Golcher marked his products "Jos Golcher" or "Josp Golcher."

I found nothing on line except for some Golcher marked guns for sale. I have a book on American and foreign gun makers that comes in useful for stuff like this.


I would place the value maybe under a thousand, if it is in decent shape. Condition is everything. I have a percussion half stock hanging on the wall here from about the same era. Probably 1850's to 70's, but even though it looks real nice, with excellent wood and fixtures etc, it does not have a shootable bore, really. I paid 350 for it. Might bring more in some places or circumstances, just because it is not trashed or broken. But unless it is shootable condition or a in demand maker, I would not go 2-3000 I would not think.