Need Ideas for a Political Cartoon


New member
As part of a Political Science assignment I need to come up with an original political cartoon. Any ideas? Something that supports the use of stick people would be best since I can't draw :) And I still need to pass the class after the teacher sees this cartoon :) Fire away.

How 'bout a stick figure lying on the ground with two stick figures standing over him with clubs. Guy on the ground says "I'm *NOT* the NRA".
Here's an idea on a political cartoon you could do that relates to the new uproar over auto forfeiture of DUI's (before conviction) in NYC:
Have a cartoon window that is bisected into two equally sized windows, one above the other. The first window should be titled or captioned "Carjacker" and have a sketch of a guy with sunglasses and dark clothing pointing a gun at a terrified motorist in their car and screaming "YOU! Out of the Car! I'm jackin' it!"
The window below the first one should offer the same sketch, but the assailant should have a badge that says "NYPD" and might be cleaner cut. However, this assailant is yelling "YOU! Out of the Car! I'm confiscating it!" This window should be captioned "Law Enforcement Officer"
For those in the class that don't quite get it, you may want to add underthe whole thing the parable: "Carjacking, Confiscation. It's theft just the same"
Why not show UK, AU, Russia, China, etc. (stick figures with labels) behind barbed wire [make death camp reference obvious]...and US, Switzerland (any others?) with guns on the other side. Caption..."Yo, holdouts! Drop your guns and join the rest of civilized world"
Draw the figures with the caption :
Females of the USA
Just say "NO" to Clinton !

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited February 26, 1999).]
How about somebody working over their 1040 form (Day calender on desk showing April 15) and a picture of the Boston Tea Party? Taxation without Representation.
Bill Clinton driving a car away from a ravished female. The bumper sticker on the car says 'Honk if you've had sex with the Prez!'.
Good ideas guys keep em coming! Something to do with a current event would be best. I like your idea Mod. HS, I'd probably get expelled with that one since the teacher is flaming Democrat female. But I never did like school anyway :)

CR- she probably wouldn't understand that one. Rich- same thing. Gary I like yours too. Jeff I'd get expelled with that one for sure. I think thats the one I'll do :)

Thanks for the help guys.

Andy if I'm reading this right, your gonna use my idea?

Woo-hoo ! :o

Finally the " Just Say NO" slogan is being put to a "good" cause ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"