Need Holster Help


I am a rather stout guy (300 lbs. give or take a few)and I am looking for a way to carry my soon to be arriving Springfield XD40 Tactical in a concealed situation. I have looked at numerous web sites and have seen many of the IWB holsters out there, the best alternative for us living here in the deep southern part of Texas as it is usually to warm to wear a belt holster most of the time. However, it seems that with the 8 inch length of my new purchase, it will be difficult to do an IWB carry. Have any of you used set ups like the Pager Pal or some of the "tuckable" holsters like the One Size Fits All IWB from Kramer that I have seen advertised? I usually carry my Kimber .45 in a waist or belt pouch from Bianchi. Any and all help will be appreciated.
Have you tried this?

If you get a good IWB holster, you can pull your shirt tail out around the gun and blouse it out to cover the gun..

Another thing you can do is wear the Polo style shirts with the elastic band at the bottom.. guns in IWB's disappear under one of those.

You should wear an undeshirt or use guns with smooth grips if you use this mode.. Checkered grips will bug you a bit on bare skin.

Thanks for the Help

Thanks for the help. I will look those models you suggested and see if I make on work for me.