need help


New member
I'm about to tell a reporter that he is an idiot, but I want to make sure that I'm right before I look stupid. he write in his article that Gov. Davis cut an SK-47 in half and later that Olympic Model E-15 and AK-90 sales are up.
i think
SK-47 = AK-47
AK-90 = MAK-90
E-15 = AR-15 from Olympic Arms, since the guy who make the comment is the pres. of the place where I got my Oly Arm AR-15 last sat.
here is the link to the article

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?

[This message has been edited by chink (edited July 20, 1999).]
Before you give a reporter ammunition to characterize all gun owners as obsessive fanatics who are more worried about proper terminology than the lives of kids, consider your words very carefully.

His mis-naming a few rifles is not important, but presenting ourselves as responsible, civil, intelligent people certianly is.

Unless it's a carefully written "Letter to the Editor", you lose. No reporter will write anything other than what he wants to write, just as TV programs such as "60 Minutes" carefully edit so that their favored point of view comes across. If you're thinking "Interview, one on one", you lose.
Worse, we all lose...

Be careful, please. And believe me, I understand your frustration and disgust. :( Hell, I feel yore pain! :o (Yeah, I said that!)

Best regards, Art
Chink, frag his a**! If it's the LA Times, you're wasting your time, though (George Skelton, perhaps?). I've sent them several with no response. They probably hang on to them and publish only when it suits them (like the day after a shooting).

Those interpretations of yours look right on, though.

Who wrote that article? Peter Lautab? From reading the article it appears that it was written by a 5th grader.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited July 21, 1999).]
it was a short letter that said


i think there were a couple typos in you r article "blah blah" I think you mean AK-47 not SK-47 and MAK-90 not AK-90. I just wanted to let you know. Thanks for reporting just the facts.
