Need help with New Service disassembly.


New member
I have a near mint New Service in 45 L.C. that I would like to diss. to clean and lube. After removing the side screws, the side plat still doesn't want to come off and I sure don't want to get rough with it. It is a gorgeous Comercial madel, and the fitting lines on the sides are almost invisible. Was wondering if you might have a trick or suggestion for removing it. Also, I'm not sure how the ejector/crane assy. comes apart. Thx for any help you can provide. E.D. :confused:
Tap the frame on the opposite side with a plastic or rubber mallet. Under no circumstances do you want to pry the sideplate off.
Cleaning and lubing a revolver rarely involves removing the sideplate. Unless there is so much crud inside that the gun will not function or unless there is something broke, I would leave it alone. If you have a friend at an auto shop, you can remove the grips and dunk the gun in his sonic tank, which will do any cleaning that needs done, then lubricate with a little oil as described below.

If you don't have access to a gunk tank or sonic bath, cock the hammer and spray the innards with a good cleaner like G96 Gun Treatment, let it drain, and then lube with 4-5 drops of good gun oil in front to the hammer and in front of the trigger, and call it square. If there is old grease inside, soaking in gasoline (with all normal precautions) should work.
