need help with identifacation.

The marks sound like Belgian inspector stamps, so there should also be a perron or ELG mark in that case. Don't know why they call it a Nagant so, I don't see any Nagant-style features like the rim on the cylinder or the spring loaded loading door, and the external ejector rod doesn't look like an 1895 either.
It differs in those respects from Nagant designs, even bearing in mind that there are a lot of Nagants that are not 1895 Russian Gas Seal Nagants.

I do not see an exact match in either Alfa or Zhuk.
Europeans were not real good about applying brand names to their small company or guild built guns, which makes them very confusing to Us Colonials.

I think $695 is an awful lot of money for a no-name unknown caliber souvenir.

To give the seller his due, he's not calling it a Nagant, only saying it's "Nagant-style" and "Nagant-type".

Clearly, no intent of fraud IMHO - especially with a 30day inspection.

OTOH, I agree that $700 + shipping is quite stout - but (alas) it seems that (eventually) there's a butt for every seat.................. :p

The lockwork configuration appears to be standard Chamelot - Devigne (sp?), which was a VERY common and very successful European design first brought out in the late 1860s or early 1870s.

The Nagant lockwork design was related, but different.
I doubt very much that the gun was originally DAO (if so, why the hammer spur?); if it is DAO now, it is probably because the sear and/or the sear spring is broken or missing, or the hammer notch is broken out.

Regardless, IMHO, it would be worth much less than half the asking price if in proper working condition. As is...????
