Need help with all this legal stuff


New member
Ok I have searched and read a lot, but i cant seem to find a lot of straight forward answers. I am a very no nonsense straight forward guy. I want to know if it is legal to buy or build a selector switch for a glock. The way it seems that would be about the cheapest and easiest way to get a full auto firearm. If it is legal how hard would it be to do so, I mean not " how do i convert my glock to a fully automatic handgun":rolleyes: , but what are the legal steps and so on? I know many of you have dealt with some sketchy charactors on this subject. But I have been around on this board for a while now and I just want to know. I myself dont think anything is worth any ammount of jail time. I just want a nice cheap full auto firearm. If you do not feel comfortable talking about this subject please do not reply. Thanks in advance.
cheap full auto is an oxy-moron

unfurtunatly for us all, it can't be done. Under the class III firearms act, no full-auto firearm is allowed to be manufactured or imported for private ownership in the US. This law was passed in 1986, and anything before that was grand-fathered in. So, basically, all the legal full-auto firearms in the US have been here since at least 1986. With that being said, the absolute cheapest runs in the neighborhood or 3 g's for something that's basically useless anyway (talking about a cheap ingram/cobray). Prices go right on up. About the cheapest belt-feed will run right at 10 g's.

Now, it is illegal alter any existing firearm in any way to make it full auto, it already has to be classified as class III. No selectors, no drop in sears, nothing is legal for any law-abidding US citizen to have. There are a few loopholes in the law. For example, FFL dealers are allowed to have in their possesion new manufactured full-auto firearms in order to showcase for law enforcement agencies. They can play with it and fire it all they want, but I'm not sure if it has to be on their store premises during business hours or what. That's actually a good question.

Now, before you can buy a class III item, you have to have a class III tax stamp. It runs around $200, I think. That's something that most of us can afford, and it allows you to own suppressors and other cool toys. The full-auto rifle is pretty much out of most peoples reach due to the law not allowing any more to be manufactured or distributed. It's sad, because true happiness is a belt-fed weapon, but that's the way it is.

In short, no it is not legal for you to buy the selector switch you asked about, or any other device to go in any firearm that is not already a class III
The cheapest NFA MG will run you $3K, for a\ transferable M11. What you desire with the Glock FA switch, is illegal to the common man in the US. The only way to legal have one, is to become a NFA manufacturer ( Switch being a demo item, for which you wil need paperwork from LE stating they would like a demo), or to be a Title 2 dealer, with demo letters from LE for a specific weapon, however this "Post Sample" item will not be dirt cheap, if you can find a PS Glock selector, it would proably run you more than a tranferable M11. So technically, yes, you could get one, IF you're willing to become a manufacturer, however, for the cost associated with that, you could buy a transferable MG.
Wheeler0351, their are legal drop in auto sears and the dias is considered the machine gun and must be registered it can be droped into a non registered gun as long as the gun was legal before you put the dias in but the dias for the glock was made after the ban on manufacture for citizens i highly doubt that their are any in the registry but their are a few g18's mabie
So not necassarily the gun, but the sear.

So if a drop in sear was made prior to '86, it's fair game to use in any legal rifle as long as your stamped for it? Hope so, cause I love learning new stuff. Of course, the sear would still cost a first born child.
Thank you all for the replies. I kinda figured it was too good to be true. I know of a place where one can be had ( a drop in selector switch ) dirt cheap compared to $3000, I am not going to post any links just to stay clear of that grey area. It seems I will just have to save and dream for a while. Does anyone on here know how hard it would be to get that letter from a LE? Or better yet has anyone done it? Still toying with the idea of setting the processes in motion if it doesnt seem too impossible.:p
Make sure the drop in sear is pre 86'

Sort of, but let me clarify so no one misunderstands.

The fact that a searwas made pre-86 really isn't the crux of the issue. You can be convicted of a felony for possession of a pre-81 sear like the ones advertised in SGN. What is necessary is that the sear or machinegun was REGISTERED on the NFRTR (National Firearms Act Transfer Record) prior to May 19, 1986. The only way to be certain of this is that it will transfer on a BATFE form 4 from a dealer to the buyer. If it doesn't require a form 4 and the $200 tax paid to the Treasury, it isn't registered or legal.
Now, before you can buy a class III item, you have to have a class III tax stamp. It runs around $200, I think. That's something that most of us can afford, and it allows you to own suppressors and other cool toys

Just to clarify, that is $200 per stamp per toy. It can add up in a hurry.
Thank you all so much. The sear in question is most likely an illegal import. So it looks like I will be saving for about a year before I really get to live. Anyone have any ideas for under 10k?
I think there are some AKs out there for around 5 ot 6k. I THINK. I'm not current with prices. My advice and opinion is to stay away from an ingrams or cobray design. These can be had for around 3k, but they're not controllable and the rate of fire is too high for a 30 round mag. If I was going to drop so much money in something, I would drop a little (or alot) more and get something that I know for a fact I will enjoy.

If you want a mac 10 or cobray, go ahead. The above statement is my personal opinion and doesn't apply to everyone. Some people like the look/design, though I personally see nothing in it. Hope everything goes well and that you don't have to wait too long.
AKs are pricey; currently in the $13k-14k range. About all you can really get for $3k would be a MAC variant, maybe a spitfire or voere. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a MAC though. They 're dead nuts reliable, built to take a beating, and parts and mags are generally cheap and available (for most models). The RoF is fast, so they can be a handful right out of the box, but they can be cheaply modified to slow the cyclic rate. There are also a couple different uppers available which will slow the cyclic rate and make them much more controllable. For example, the Max-11 upper, while pricey at just under $700, looks great, places the cocking knob on the left (rather than on top), has better sights, and slows the cyclic rate to about 600rpm - about that of an Uzi.


While I think the SWD M11 (9mm) is a great little MG for the money, if the idea of something small with a high RoF like a G18 really floats your boat, you might consider an SWD M11-A1 (.380). They're smaller than the 9mm M11 and, in fact, the receiver is the same length as the slide of a Glock 17. I'll have to look around for it, but somewhere I have a pic of an M11-A1 back to back with a G17 for a size comparison. Not very practical, but tons of mag-dumping fun.