Need help with a Mossy 500 20 ga.


New member
I asked this a long long time ago but can't find the old thread...
I have the above mentioned shotgun minus bolt assembly and thumb safety assembly. I can get these through Havlin Sales. My question is will the bolt/carrier group necessarily have to be fitted/headspaced. I've heard yes, and I've heard no if the bolt and carrier are matching parts. I would appreciate some advice on this.

Since the bolt locks into the barrel extension the locking lug is the determining factor in headspace. I am sure that Mossberg does not make locking lugs of differing length, I replaced several in the 12 ga 500's while in the service and could only order one in the national stock system. The carrier is just there to give the bolt a ride and to cam the locking lug, the camming action is dependent on the bolt face hitting the barrel so there is no dimension of real importance there. I would buy the bolt and carrier and drop them in without a second thought if it were me, but I cannot prove my opinion.
Thanks, Hsmith. Do you know if there are go/no go gauges for shotguns? Just to test the assembly after I'm done with it...
Sorry, but I do not know that. Brownells is usually the best place to start looking.

What I do know is the little mossy 20ga is a darn decent gun that can be carried for days chasing birds. Load it down and clay targets are a blast as well. You are going to be glad you got it running when you are done with it.