Need help with 1st gen Colt SAA value


New member
I have a friend that inherited a 1st Gen Colt SAA from his father. The serial number is 1553xx, which I believe puts it around 1894. It's marked "Colt Frontier Six Shooter", which I believe makes it a 44-40. All the serial numbers match on the gun. Someone did some sort of repair on the end of the ejector rod housing (I guess that's the name, I'm not a revolver guy!). It looks like it was brazed on, as the screw that should be underneath at the muzzle end is missing. The action all works, but the cylinder is relatively loose. It's not that bad, but I wouldn't shoot it. I know we should get a Colt letter on it, but haven't yet. The owner isn't much of a gun guy, and is looking to see what it's really worth. I took it to a (smaller) gun show today, and people were all over the map on it. Who would be a good person to give an accurate appraisal on the gun? There is a major gun show in Houston in October I believe. Maybe I could get some info there. Here are a few pics. They're not good, but I'm not a phototographer, either. I'm relatively knowledgeable about newer modern guns, but I don't know a whole lot about the antiques. Any info is appreciated!



