Need help.....Which pistol would you buy in 357sig ??


New member
I like Glocks....I like Sigs....I like HK's....The gun may or may not be used for carry....What would you recommend and why ?? Thanks for the input.....
Your selections certainly represent some high quality products.

I bought both the Sig P229 and P239 in .357 Sig and am extremely pleased with both. I prefer the P239 with Hogue grips for carry. For general shooting I prefer the P229 as I get better groups from it. Both have been 100% reliable with all factory ammo and my reloads.

That said I'm also looking at a Glock 32 and would like to hear any opinions on this pistol.
I've been thinking about a G35 with a 357sig barrel installed . But , I'm a diehard 1911 fan and can't seem to get past the non-1911 trigger when I fondle one .
No choice! A Sig 229! If you want, you can also buy a barrel in .40 S&W from Bar-sto. Great balance, ergonomics, very accurate and reliable! Designed for the higher-pressure cartridges from the start.

I bought a Glock 30c.Super accuracy and reliabililty,and the porting helps make 2nd shot acquisition easier.$100.00 less than the Sig P239,$300.00 less than the P229 didn't hurt anything,either.

I agree with Doug 29 on this. Get yourself a Sig p229 with a .357 sig barrel. Buy the optional factory 40 S&W barrel so when your tired of spending $20 to 25.00 on a box of 357 Sig ammo you can practice with 40 S&W. If you want the tri-fecta then order a 9mm Bar-Sto barrel and you have 3 unique pistols for less then $1000.00.

I have a USPc in 9mm, a 229 in .40, and a Glock 23. All are excellent guns, but have some differences to consider. The 229 is substantially heavier due to its lack of a polymer frame. The USP has a safety and decocker, the 229 only has a decocker, and the Glock has that little thingy on the trigger. Also, consider the sizes and mag capacities, as well as the availability of hi-caps. Most importantly, try to shoot them and see which suits you the best.
Have all three.
Most accurate--Sig. Least--HK.
Least recoil--HK. Most--Glock.
Most hi-caps--Glock(G23 mags). Least--HK.
I have a G32 and a P229.

Both pistols have yet to jam on me (229 has eaten plenty of ammo in both .40S&W and .357 Sig in 3 or 4 years).

I find that the 229 has a lower felt recoil and a little less muzzle rise the the G32. The great thing about the G32 is it is lighter then the P229.

If I had my choice, I'd carry my G29! Which I normally do. :D

Seriously, if the price was the same I'd go with the 229, but around here there's about a 100 dollar price difference in favor of the G32.

I just bought the Sig P-226 in .357 Sig. I thought the bigger frame weapon would be the better platform for the 40,000psi rated pressure of the cartridge. It's not going to be my normal carry gun, it's going to be one I take to the range more than anything else, so size wasn't a real consideration for me.

I've shot enough .357magnums to know that anything popping out those type of pressure ratings may not be much fun to shoot in an undersized package. My 9mm CZ75 is my most enjoyable weapon to shoot from an accuracy and recoil standpoint, so I thought a similar size weapon would work as well for the .357Sig.

Besides, if it's good enough for the Navy Seals, it ought to be good enough for me...
I'd go with the P226 in .357 SIG.
I've had mine for a few years now and am still amazed with how accurate it is. Reliability is a given. Absolutely an excellent gun... I have no plans to ever part with mine.
From your other post, I see that you already have a P226 in 9mm. The benefit of buying another 226 is that you are already familiar with it and all the holsters and other accessories are compatible.
If you want something a little smaller, there's always the P229 and P239.
I have a Glock 33, and it is awesome...

I put on the Pearce +1 grip extensions for that tenth round and pinky grip.

I also bought a .40 barrel for it, and have a Full Capacity (13 rd.) G23 magazine that works like a charm...

The double spring recoil guide rod of the Baby Glocks really seems to absorb alot of the felt recoil, transforms it from a "Snap" to a "Push"...

Great little gun!


I would have to say that it would be the Sig P239. I just got one and it seems perfect for just about anything. Mine is mostly for CCW and at night it sleeps on my nightstand beside me. The biggest thing I like about it is that I can get a conversion barrel to .357 Sig, which I had in a Sig Pro 2340. I love that cartridge but it is much harder to find cheap ammo than the .40 is right now.

No matter what you choose, I'd at least think about the ability to change calibers with a barrel (and maybe mag) change. That is one thing I liked about the Sig Pro, the mags could hold either cartridge. My P239 will need .357 mags when I get the barrel. But I can deal with that.