Need help - What to buy?


New member
I posted a similiar question on the 1911 forum. I think they might be a little biased. I don't have a lot of $$ to spend. I found several guns to my liking. Except for my Buckmark all my handguns are revolvers. I've owned Taurus, Glock, Colt and Daewoo pistols in the past. I am looking for a fun to shoot, realiable gun that I can conceal fairly easily. I'm 6'2 and wear a 54" coat. The Taurus PT908 was crap, though I really like their revolvers. I'd like to stay under $500 and with a major manufacturer.

1. Springfield Champion <$500
2. Glock 23 <$500
3. Glock 36 <$500
4. used ParaOrd. P12 <$500

I did see a Kimber Compact (very light) and an HK USPc40 for $679, but that is a little high. The Kimber may be worth the extra $$$. what do you think?

I fear an AD & KBs with the Glocks, but every agency including the FBI loves their 40's. The reliability issues of stock 1911's worries me.

Take a look at the Ruger P97. It might be a good way to get to find out if you like autos. If so,then I would move up to a Sig.

I still say they are the best guns made. I know many dont agree,but I have only had one come in the shop to work on in the last year. It came in because it sat under the seat of a pickup on a ranch here for 4 yrs. After detail cleaning, it was like brand new.

As far as the ka boom and blowout deal, I think it is time that i put up a post.

Good Luck
pine, among other things, I have had 4 Glocks, and they are the most reliable combat handguns on the planet. I carry a G26 daily. If I have to protect my kids or myself, I know that it will go bang. To me, that's the bottom line.
In OCT 99 the Baltimore County PD found cracks in 52 of their SIG P226s.

A few yrs ago the feds (FBI/DEA/USMS/Customs) were mostly SIG 9s, now they are mostly Glock 40s.

OTOH, I have a whole bunch of pictures of Glocks in 40/45/357SIG with ruptured bbls, cracked slides and frames, plenty w factory new ammo; I prefer them in 9mm. The 40/357 seem to be more problematic in general than the 9/45, but it sure isn't hurting sales of either any.

If ya want to stay under $500 for a new gun, I would go Glock/Ruger/CZ. Talking to rental ranges that see lottsa rounds go through lottsa guns, instructors at several LE, public, private, commercial ranges, the Glock/Ruger/CZ give the most bang for the buck. The 1911s are great when they work, but can be finicky; most think they are worth the trouble. I would stick w 9mm in Glocks/CZ, the Ruger 9/45.
Under $500

CZ 75 compact or the PCR model. Accurate reliabile, Fun to shoot and cheap in Price. I carry a PCR every day of the week. I love it
Do you want a "1911A1 type" or something else? There obviously are big differences: SA only versus SA/DA, ergonomics, hand feel, magazine size, and so forth.

If you prefer a "1911A1 type" for under $500, you may be able to get a "plain Jane" Springfield for around $500. Springfield's 1911A1s are excellent firearms. I own five high-quality .45s (three 1911A1 types), but my Springfield is the one I depend on for personal defense, so you know I really believe in its quality, reliability, durability and accuracy.

In a non-1911A1, many love their Glocks. I cannot endorse one based on the marginal accuracy I experience with my G23C. However, the aggregate reputation of Glocks is excellent. In addition, Ruger's P97 receives raves, and "the price is certainly right".

Finally, I suggest you consider a used Sig P-220. Many believe this is the finest non-1911A1 available.
my preference and opinion

Obviously, the "what fits you best" rule applies...

Of the ones you mentioned, I would go with the G23 first and the Para last.

If you can go over the top with the extra cash, I would absolutely go with the USP compact .40 first and a tie up between the Kimber and G23 for second and third.

Of those mentioned by other that you didn't mention:

Sig P220 second
Ruger P97 third (then Kimber/G23)
(no experience with CZ)
The experience that I had with my Glock was great. It was a 17 and too big and not legal to carry in the woods during deer season. Traded it for a S&W629 4" 44mag several years ago. My Taurus PT908's trigger mech would lock up constantly and it shot horribly. My Taurus PT22 was neat but always jammed on the last bullet. I traded it with the 908 plus cash on the Glock. I really liked the Colt Mustang, but found the safety hard to use and couldn't see carrying cocked and lock. Traded it on a Taurus ultralite 38spcl. I liked the way I could unload the Mustang in a matter of seconds into the target. I can't do that with my revolvers. Maybe a Glock 19.

Need help -- what to buy?

If you watch carefully you can find a Springfield or Kimber on line for $500 or less. I just bought a Kimber classic custom for $483 on They also had a stainless classic for $566. Both were "buy now, end auction" and were quickly snatched up. So keep an eye out, you won't be disappointed with a Kimber.
I was disappointed w a Kimber. With two of them in fact. One did not like Wilson mags, did like CM mags, the other liked the CM mags, did not like the Wilson mags with some loads. Argh! :)

Typical 1911 stuff. The two SA TRPs I tried were jamamatics too w some loads/mags. Several other of the 20 plus 1911s I've had over the years, including some I was issued by Uncle Sam, were also finicky. They may not be as durable, but the Berettas and SIGs I've had/been issued over the yrs were all consistently better as far as reliability goes.
Same for the Glocks/Rugers/CZs, which may be as tough.

1911s are great, have their place, some of the best still prefer them for many good reasons, but they are not the most reliable platform anymore at the service grade level (or higher) w service ammo. Even the top of the line FBI SA SWAT guns did not do as well in reliability testing as the out of the box Glock/Beretta/SIG/USP 40s w service ammo in FBI/DEA/INS/BP testing. Or the M9/M11 for the military. Good enough though fa shure. A lot of good people still buying/using them. Some doctors still smoke too. :)

[Edited by BrokenArrow on 03-09-2001 at 10:38 AM]
Broken Arrow- would you mind showing us that stack of blown-up Glocks that you have? Then maybe post them over at GlockTalk so we can all benefit from your experiences?? I may be wrong, but I think you're full of shxx.
Of the outside guns mentioned, the CZ is great, but a tad heavy i think- but it would have an advantage on the range for target shooting. And ive never been a fan of rugers- but thats just me.

So, let me focus on your list. First choice would be a glock. I think the g23 would be first choice (higher cap than 36, and a bit thinner with similar stopping power). The g36 would maybe be the second choice if you wanted a .45. Between the para or springfield...I think the para may be a bit wide for concealment, (it is for me, but your much taller so i dont know) but the para is a great gun out of the box. The down side is that a used one you may want to include a check up as part of its somethings may need to be freshend up. The SA champion I have never shot, but i would assume to make it a real champ, you may need to drop some $$ into it for finishing touches. Polishing, action/reliability work. (work the kimber wont need).
Personally, to me its got to be either the G23, or spend some more for a Kimber. I love them both and they are fantastic guns. cant say if its worth the money b/c thats all relative to your $ situation. But if things were tight for me, the g23 would be first choice.
Good luck.
You are wrong. Bet it isn't the first time either. :)

Sent ya some, do not know how to post em here or there. Plenty of other people have posted pics on Glock Talk before, did you miss them? Do a GT search, try The Gun Zone or Calibers web pages for more.

Try the Carrollton GA PD, officer James Perry, 770-834-4451. They blew up a G22 w Master ammo in December. Or try the Amarillo TX PD, officer Mike Dunlap, they have blown up a few too. Bernalillo county sheriff's dept in NM. Ted Yost of the Gunsite Smithy had a brand new Glock 30, with factory Federal ammunition blow up on the first round fired out of the gun. IIRC, Jim Crews had a few blow up in his classes last year?

Jim Crews
PO Box 556
Stevensville, Montana

Know a guy who bulged the barrel on his Beretta 40 w new Armscor ammo, and some others who have blown 40 cases in SIGs and USPs, blown the extractors out of SIGs w CorBon 357SIG ammo. So far the only 40/357s I have seen catastrophically blow (ruptured bbls, chambers, cracked slides/frames) w factory ammo have all been Glocks. Did see a Ruger GP100 cylinder go one time w Federal factory ammo. :)

It happens to all guns, to the 40/357s more than the 9/45 IMO. To Glock 40/45/357s a lot more than Glock 9s. How much, if any, to worry about it is up to you. Does not seem to worry the FBI, DEA, or Glock's lawyers much. No need to go into delusional denial/get nasty about it either? :)
Suggest best choice from your list = Glock M23. (The M36 is a love it/hate it personal 'feel' thingy.)

Best choice NOT listed.....hmmmmm.......$ about a used S&W 3913?