need help w setting goals in shooting


New member
I would like to know what a respectable group would be from 20ft, 50ft and 75ft so I can monitor my training and have a goal to work at.
Thanks in advance

First, what are you shooting? Given your stated yardages, it's obviously a pistol, but what type & caliber?
Are you trying to do bullseye or combat? In real life hitting a paper plate at 7 yards or less in rapid fire is the real goal according to several of my instructors. Sure it's more complicated than that, but it's the basic idea.
Ok ,I am shooting bullseyes and would like to step into competing soon. I could do that paper plate thing fairly consistent. If someone could explain the ins and outs of competiion such as distances, classes , what kind of groups it would take to place in an event and is there a a biginner class

Instead of killing paper, invest in some plates and interactive targets. I love the spinners myself.

Put the plates out at different lengths (yardage) and practice drills (like the IPDA).

The way I see it, unless it's up around 20 feet or closer, I just want to hit the target beyond that.

Just me and MH(umble)O.

If you are literally thinking of going into bullseye competition, the definitive web site is .

If you are shooting at bullseyes, in preparation for Action or Practical Shooting, their is plenty of information available from various Web sites associated with each group. For instance, IPSC information can be found at .

No matter what the shooting discipline, if you want to get very far you need to be able to shoot a group and call each shot at the instant the gun fires. The paper plate example is worth noting. At seven yards, a Master class IPSC shooter should be able to put 6 rounds from the holster on that plate in under 2 seconds (around 1.75-1.80). But that's just a matter of a quick draw, good index, visual inputs, and timing. If that Master can't shoot a group and call his shots, Grand Master class will remain very elusive, and his chances of actually being competitive aren't very good.
I have decide to shoot in a action pistol competion this coming Tuesday. It is not sanctioned by USPSA but is affiliated with them and use their rules. I am very excited to do this but also dont want to embarass myself if I am outclassed. I will be competing in a novice class so I probably shouldnt be too worried as I think im a pretty decent shot for a beginner. Please bombard me with any tips and helpful hints as you guys and girls can. Thanks!
Movement generally makes shooting more difficult, but don't worry about being embarassed. As long as you're safe, and focused, you'll improve and have fun.

(of course, the Sundance Kid couldn't hit anything unless he moved. Just kidding, natch)
For your first match, just focus on safety and begin to develop strategy by listening/questioning other shooters. The thing that all other shooters will be looking at is whether you are safe, not your score. That will give you more than enough to do. You can go after improvement once the basics are ingrained in your every reacton.

In acton pistol you are out of the game immediately for safey infractions. You get no refund on your entry fee. Go slow and make it through the whole match. Remember that walking/running to your weak hand direction parallel to the firing line puts you in danger of breaking the 180 rule and sweeping competitors. Finger off the trigger while moving, etc.

Strategy is very important--calculating the best target sequence or travel direction (where there are choices), timing reloads to movement so as not to find yourself wasting time reloading while standing still in front of a target. Little things like not waiting for steel poppers to fall if you hear a hit; continue on and give them time to fall then come back if need be.

Since you are constantly locating targets the tendency is to look at the target rather than the front sight.

Just enjoy this one.