need help picking my next rifle...


New member
ok to start im 22, been shooting since i was a boy with my dad who collects modern and historic rifles. ive shot rifles from ww2 to the modern age. my favorite round to shoot is the .308

im in California (yes i know we suck with our laws on guns), so i have to be watchful of what i get/order and such

i personally bought my first rifle last year (mosin nagant 91/30)(99$) which is stock , does about 1 to 2 inch groupings from 100-200 iron sites. people says thats good for a mosin so i wont complain and has a great smooth bolt, but at 200-300 the bullets go in random groupings(maybe im unsteady dunno...we both shot it and had same groupings). anyway i get people ragging at me when i say i may put a scope or something on it and it shoots good without a scope so ill just leave it as is and get another rifle that i can play with.

anyway im looking for a rifle that is bolt action , uses .308, has a scope (or mounts), has accessories i can get for it on amazon and such , and that isnt to pricey( 300 or less, maybe 400 but thats my limit), but at least is accurate to my mosins level or better

my father says what he thinks i want is a hunting rifle(i dont hunt i shoot but i get what he's saying) that im after a rifle that is modern, with accessories and is accurate and those fit the bill in a lot of ways but i dont know were to start or what to look at

i was looking at the savage axis scoped(279$) but there really isnt anything i can get for it, much more than clips or a camo stock. i like the looks of the savage rifles and i hear they are reliable

i would like something american made, im tired of swiss,russian, english guns and would like an american rifle but ill take what i can get truthfully

any help is appreciated and thanks
I wish I could help more.. If you have any gun shows near you (I don't know much about Cali) I would really suggest that. Then you could probably find a higher quality used rifle in your price range. Let me know what you end up with!
Look at:

Ruger American
Marlin X7
Mossberg ATR 100
Remington 700 SPS

You may have to push your budget a little closer to $500 but the Marlin and American get great reviews.
There are lots of good rifles out there many more good than bad. I like the Savage line.

A deer hunting style rifle won't be your best bet for target shooting. They tend to over heat.
Take a look at varmint guns. .308 is available in most varmint models.

Check out used guns as well as new.
i was looking at the savage axis scoped(279$) but there really isnt anything i can get for it, much more than clips or a camo stock. i like the looks of the savage rifles and i hear they are reliable

What is this obsession with "accessorising" everything? Will the rifle not work as intended without a jillion pieces of BOPOS hung on it?

I am reminded of one young man cruising around Ft. Sill years ago in a "Grand Touring Yugo", Ground effects kit, chrome rims, low pro tires, giant stereo system, the whole 9 yards .... more money in aftermarket accessories than in the initial purchase price of the car.....
What is this obsession with "accessorising" everything? Will the rifle not work as intended without a jillion pieces of BOPOS hung on it?

Yes indeed. If you want to spend money on a gun, then have it accurized.

basically i just want a reliable, accurate rifle that i can shoot at long range 300-400 or more if viable.

the accessories that i speak of are not the dumb chrome or trick parts, i speak of bigger magazines, better scope/mounts, better stocks, and slings.

my mosin has a 5 round system, but most rifles i see have 4-3 rounds available, so if i can get a 5-10 round mag, a better stock for stability and cheek rest, maybe a better sling id be good, as long as i can do good grouping at long range


i looked into the Ruger American(this one seems like the best so far) and the, Remington 700 SPS(this one actually has some issues ive heard of) after i posted lol
Rem 700 has more aftermarket support than any other rifle in existence. If you plan to modify with aftermarket barrels, stocks, etc then Rem 700 is hard to beat.

The Savage's shoot well out of the box but aren't as cheap up front as the Rem 700 and dont look as nice IMO.
I doubt very much that you will find a mag that holds more than 5 in a non military configuration. If you are looking for something used, you live in a great place. The gun shows in SF and Sacramento are huge. And if you wanted an excuse to make a trip, the the giant one in LA is the ticket. If you cant find something at any of these, then you will be hard pressed to find anything at all.
Several states have a round limit for hunting rifles...that's why the 3-4 round mag is so popular for hunting rifles...
make sure of your state's hunting laws...worst thing you wanna do is wander around with a 12Gauge Saiga w/ a full 20-rd mag
when you may only be allowed 3 rounds...its those little things that are important ;)

And honestly, most hunters make one or two shots a day...deer be some tricky little devils...

That being said, your best bet for a New Bolt-action is the Marlin X-7 in .308 for your price range!! Start at $299...
It comes with a fluted bolt, adjustable target trigger, button-rifled barrel, factory-installed recoil pad AND pillar bedding!!
There ain't a better deal for a Sub-MOA from the box rifle out there!!
Boyd's Riflestocks also makes some wicked laminates if you wish to upgrade the stock for around $99 :)
for some reason all the calibers available are NOT listed on the Marlin site...I gotta call & raise some cain next week...LOL
Jeff's review can be found here...

The Kicker...and this is a sweet that the X7VH (Heavy Barrel) can be found for around $350!!!
This is THE rifle for F-Class long range work!!! Again, Boyd's is where you go to get a wood stock for these little wonders!!