need help on guns


hey, i just inherited some guns from my grandfather and i have no clue what some of them are worth im curious cause i know i wont use some of them and someone else could put them to good use. im curious on where to find the value of...

Wards hercules model 12 break barrel single shot 16 gauge.a876885

winchester model 12 16 gauge with poly choke 1051297

mossberg model 185k-a 20 gauge poly choke vent rib

please help thank you
Thats a big fear of mine, when I'm gone, my kids get rid of my guns and other treasures.

I guess people dont respect the tools of history anymore.
your fear? i got almost 20 shotguns, rifles, and pistols from him. i will never use these three. why have them sit in a gun case for life. or sell it to someone who will use it? or sell them and put it towards another gun.

thanks cooper.
why have them sit in a gun case for life.

So your kids can have their great-grandfather's guns when your short-sighted keister keels over.

It only takes one dimwit to screw up the chain. That's why all the Civil War guns are in the hands of rich collectors, some genius between 1865 and 2008 decided they needed something else more than Pappy's guns in pretty much every family.

Don't be that guy. If you inherited a bunch of guns, that just means there will be more to pass down. This is good because families tend to get bigger through the generations. Do you know today how many grandkids you will have in 50 years?
i totally understand what you are saying. i really do. im 22 i am young. i have no clue how many grand kids im going to have in 50 years. im the new gen. want the biggest baddest guns. and older guns dont really have the effect on me like someone like you. but i went into today to sell them to a pro shop. gave me a good trade in price. and a really good price on a new browning bps. i turned it down. and i still have the guns. just doesnt feel right selling my grand fathers guns to someone i dont know and not knowing where they will end up. ill just wait for christmas and have my gf get one for me lol and that way i can add to the collection to be giving down to my family. thanks for opening my eyes guys