Need help on Gun related Java project.


New member
I want to program a Java applet that allows a person to enter the weight of a Bullet (in grains), the FPS (feet per second), and get a FPI (Foot Pounds) of the round overall. This could them be added to any web site.

problem: I do not know the equation. Anybody? I don't wanna have to reverse engineer off of the charts but I can if I have to.

"Take your weapon with reluctance. Draw it with dread. Grieve for those who fall to your bullets. But make every shot count."-Robert Shea
Yes. I believe it's:

E=.22174 x V x V x g/100,000

that's Energy in foot-pounds equals velocity in fps squared, times the constant (.22174), times the weight in grains, all divided by 100,000.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited October 20, 2000).]