Need help identifying


I have a very old precussion rifle thea has a H and asterik on the barrel as identification. It has brass metalwork and the barrel is six sided for about a foot then round. Any ideas?
We will need a lot more information than that, plus pictures of the lockplate, the top of the rear end of the barrel and of any significant markings.

If you have a photoeditor (photoshop or Nikon view) you can cut the picture size down enough that line speed won't matter. Some cameras will also cut the pixel count - check your manual.

Those huge 4-5 megabyte files are a pain to me, also, as I am on dial-up. But in almost every case, you can reduce them to under 100K without losing any significant detail, and that takes only a couple of seconds at dial-up speeds (and saves space on your drive as well).
