Need help identifying old WW1/WW2 long rifle


Hello firingline fellow bloggers and experts,

I need your help and expert opinions on what kind of rifle I have inherited from an uncle. Its old, dirty, rusty and I have yet to get around to cleaning it. I have no information other than I got it from my uncle who at some point "got it from an old friend". My old firearm knowledge is limited at best; and after some googling this forum and you guys came highly recommended. So here she is:
(I uploaded them to my dropbox because there were too many + the res was a little higher than allowed on the forum)
Any help / feedback would be greatly appreciated.
It's a Japanese Arisaka. The chrysanthemum symbols have been ground off the bolt as well as the receiver, so it probably didn't come home in some GI's duffle. It looks like you have a type 42 bayonet with it as well.
It looks like a type 99, but the photo's proportions seem a little off from a type 99. Can you measure the barrel itself and post that length? It could just be my eye and the pictures. Also if we had a close up picture of the rear sight it would probably help. Some of the type 99's had an odd looking anti-aircraft sight back there, but about mid WWII they stopped putting it on them.
Wow that was ridiculously fast. You guys really know your stuff! Thanks for the reply. I am at work, so I will measure the barrel when I get home, and get a close up shot of the rear sight post.
Thanks again!
It should be chambered for the 7.7×58mm Arisaka cartridge, aka: 7.7 Jap (Japanese).

The actions were very strong, and the cartridge on a par (power-wise) with the German 8x57 (7.92mm) & US .30-06, so when loaded with soft-pointed ammo, are very effective on most N.A. big game - although the military rifle's sights may not.

The large round knob @ the rear of the bolt is the rotary safety, BTW.
