Need help finding MN T53 stock. Please Help!

.50cal packer

New member
I've been really sick for over a week. Stayed in bed for almost all of it. During this time, I received my T53. It was put in my shop, and had sat there for about 5 days, until I was even able to open the box. I.E. Yesterday. It looked as it should, covered in inches of Cosmo, and 75% bluing, and a stock that looked like it had been drug behind a truck through the mountains of Colorado. As I start to take the rings off the hand guard, The Stock breaks in two pieces right at the back of the rear retention spring. Well, I'm obviously upset about this! I missed my three day inspection, and I think the Cosmo was the only thing holding this together. To make this long story short, I'm looking for a replacement Chinese stock. I'd like to keep it original as in country-wise. I know the M44 stock will work. But I didn't buy a m44. So does anyone know where I could buy a replacement T53 stock or am I S.O.L. and have to get the M44 stock? Any help and suggestions are very welcome. Thanks in advance.
Based on the numbers of views, and the lack of responses. I'm guessing I'm SOL. Jim Keenan, If youre out there comment on this and tell me what you think would be the best option. I might just be stuck with the T53 chinese barrel and action with a M44 Russian stock. :(
type 53s naturally have poor stocks from what I've seen. the chu wood does well in jungle environments but doesn't seem to handle long storage periods well. you may be better off looking for a type 44 stock as they are generally in better condition. ebay is the best place I've found for original issue milsurp parts. if any place has a t53 stock, ebay would. you may just be stuck getting a cheap ATI monte carlo or boyds stock.
tahunua, thanks for the advice. It was what I was expecting it to be. I wanted to stay with the Chu wood simply because of the maker, but I was also realistic and did plenty of searching of my own. I know Liberty Tree has M44 stocks for around $60. Which sucks because I only paid $99 for the gun. But It looks like I'll only have part of the T53 as a C&R piece. Thanks for the help.
Aim Surplus had a bunch of mosin nagant stocks and handguards for the 91-30 that may be able to be modified to fit. They were fairly reasonable.
everything I've seen listed, always had really tough condition stocks, so likely anything you'd find is going to be what someone started with... likely the worst of the worst...

if you clean up the wood good, can you fix the stock you have ??? my machinist buddy takes brass or steel rod / pins, & threads the rod, drills holes of the right size, adds epoxy, & screws the pins in, & dresses them off afterwards... often the break is barely noticeable & often stronger than the stock was except when new...
I hate to say this and maybe I am just feeling "carmudgeonly" tonight, but it seems to me that a lot of folks buy surplus guns (M-N or whatever) and expect them to be in like new condition. Not trying to be either nasty or dismissive, but the reason they call them "war surplus" is because they went through a war. And most of them look it. And the ones that look good have probably been rehabbed and have little collectors value anyway.

With all the M-N's in the country now, it is going to be a long time before any of them is really a collector's item, so I would probably be satisfied with a correct looking part.

You don't say if the seller was a company or an individual, but if a company, contact them. They may have a stock they will give you or sell you at a reasonable price to keep your good will. They might even let you return the gun and send you another one, if you sweet talk them. If that doesn't work, check with the parts suppliers (Springfield Sporters, Gun Parts Corp., etc.

what you could always do is buy a M44 stock, I see no shortages of those and use that in the mean time. keep an ear to the ground and if you ever do find a t53 stock, buy it, swap them out and resell the m44 stock to make your money back.
I tried some eBay work and some Google-fu, and I didn't see anything. I see two options for you

1) Get a correct looking wooden stock, and as has been suggested, keep an eye out for either a good type 53 stock or even a non-working type 53 off of gunbroker.

2) Use the type 53 and "sporterize" it to your taste, and look for another type 53 for colelctible purposes.
I want to apologize to .50cal packer for the tone of my reply. I can only say that I was not feeling well last night and probably should not have been posting at all.

On re-reading my reply, I will say that I think my advice was sound, in that the best place to try to resolve the problem is with the seller and only then to either try another source or use a substitute part.
