Need help finding article in


New member

I need my fellow TFL'ers' help on this one. I'm trying to find the issue of SOF that this article is in.
It's all about the "cyclone" round, manufactured by G.E.A., which is a special cylindrical round with a sharpened steal edge and no back. It was designed
to defeat body armor, and basically acts as a cookie-cutter, extruding flesh, when it
hits the target. It is only available to military and federal law enforcement agencies.

Anyway, I was hoping that all you guys with back issues of SOF magazine collecting
dust in boxes (inside your garages) might be able to sift through them for me and
find the article. I'm trying to figure out the month and year. I believe the article
appeared in an issue in '93 or '94, but it could be in an issue as early as '92, or as
late as '96.

I would like to use that article as source material for something I plan to write
myself. Anyway, I hope someone out there can help.

Thank you in advance, to anyone who can locate it.


I remember the article and the round. SOF had a sidebar on one of their articles about Waco that told about the round.