Need help finding a timer


New member
I'm looking for a timer that one person can use. I would like it to have a delay after hitting the start button, and stop after x number of rounds have been fired. What I want to do is run myself thru the IDPA qualifer when I go to the range.

Check out the Pact mark IV. It will do everything you want and some stuff you never thought of. You can get the chrono option too. It is probably the best out there for the money. The run about 200.00.
the absolute best is the CED which has a link above in the dillon catalog.

i have a pocket pro from it is endorsed by todd jarrett, but if i had it to do over again i would go with the CED it is 5 times the timer, much more info "on screen" at one time.
The model you are looking for is the RUREADY timer. It has a delay start(default), a very loud beeper, and can pick up shots up to 25 yards away. I got mine as a demo for $75 several years ago. They have a web site
CED Shot Timer

If I may add my .02, the CED Timer available through Dillon is really a great piece of equipment at a very reasonable price. I believe it on a special from 159.95 down to 139.95. I just bought one for IDPA and ICORE practice. At our club we use the PACT which is certainly a good timer quality wise however, when you put the two together, the CED is far more user friendly as all of the recorded info is on screen at once and VERY visible, no scrolling with different buttons, etc.. It has adjustable sensitivity as I'll turn the sensitivity way up to practice quick draws at home and it activates with the sound of the trigger click and you can turn it down to function indoors where as in my case, I'll shoot at an indoor range with multiple shooter lanes and blasts, it will only activate on my muzzle blast. It also has a belt clip so you can wear it on your waste when shooting alone. I find it to be a very good product so far!

Good Luck!

p.s. Regarding the delay function, it has 3 settings.
1: No delay, immediate start when you hit the button.
2: 3 second delay after hitting the button.
3: Random Delay, 1 to 5 Seconds randomly after hitting the start button. I use this as it prevents you from anticipating and paterning a beep!
Echo the Pact MK IV. Very easy to use and the chrono option/upgrade is a big plus. Use both their Club & IV for IDPA, etc. with no problems or complaints.
Correction on Price

The Dillon "Blue Press" just came in today's mail, the CED Timer is on special for 129.95 not 139.95 as I had stated previously!