Need help coyote hunting!!

Josh D

New member
I am getting started in coyote hunting. I mostly drove around on the roads and when I saw one I would let the lead fly. Besides being illegal half the time, it was inefective. You would see a lot of them, but they were too far away. I will soon recieve an M-4/HBAR combo(two uppers). I also have a Model 70 in .270 . I would prefer the AR, but might take the .270 for a long shot(300+). Anyhow, I need some help on the basics. Should I get a tape or a call? I would prefer the mouth calls, because I will mostly be on foot. Just need some general advice on the techniques and such. Any info would help.

PS- I will be hunting in about 60% wooded areas and 40% open fields.

Josh, I am far from an expert at coyote hunting but have killed a few in my day. I have liked the cassette recordings played on a small portable machine. That way you can position in the machine in one area and yourself in another area so that the coyotes attention is not directed at you and he is concentrating on the area where he hears the call coming from. The .223 should be just fine for the job!! It can be exciting so enjoy yourself. Stubby
Thanks, stubby. When you say a portable machine, do you mean a small tape player or one of the players that is made for hunting?
I'm no coyote hunter either but I've done a bit of fox calling in my time.

Stubbies tip about remote calling is right on the money!
I started out with mouth calls and though I'd call them in, most of the time they'd approach close enough to watch from a concealed place until you moved and then bolt away.
I bought an inexpensive tape deck and recorded a 45 minute tape with periodic calls spaced from 5 to 10 minutes apart. The difference was amazing. The foxes came in focused on the tape which was a good fifty yards from my hide. I probably tripled my success rate after switching to that method.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
This time of year is not exactly the best time of year for coyotes. Winter when the dogs are hungry and having trouble finding food is the easiest time to call in a coyote. The AR is a good rifle for shooting dogs but so is the M70, if you want take them both with about a 100 gr bullet in the Winchester.
I've heard of guys using decoys on long strings that they can make the decoy move with and combining that with calls.
I've used several types of mouth calls and tapes from "mini-boom-box" decks. Reasonable luck with both.

I've had good luck imitating a cottontail rabbit, which I guess is the common "bait" for Texas and Illinois.

A .223 is plenty good for coyotes.

If you're gonna walk and sit, walk and sit, the mouth call works fine. It is a bit of an advantage to have a tape-deck with 50 feet or so of speaker wire, setting the speaker out away from you. Only you can figure if the effort is worth it.

One thing to remember is that coyotes tend to come in and circle to approach the call from downwind. They trust their noses above all other sensory inputs. That's why the speaker at a distance helps. You sit cross-wind from it, preferably with woods or brush helping to break the wind from carrying your scent.

Also remember it is easier for a right-handed shooter to acquire a target approaching from the left...Keeping this in mind means you will move your body less when it's time to shoot; less chance to alert Wiley Coyote.

Best luck, Art
I started with a tape deck almost 20 years ago. About ten years ago I switched to a mouth call. I usually compete in two coyote hunting competitions per winter. I have never seen a tape player used in our local competition, mouth calls (blown properly) work much better.

If you hunt in pairs, and pick a good stand, you will be amazed how many coyotes you can shoot with a shotgun. I also use a "toll" dog from time to time. You get a small dog with an attitude and when the coyotes come in to beat hell out of your dog cut loose.

On a good day I can get six or eight coyotes. A typical day is more like three from sunrise to about noon.
Ankeny: You ever found any correlation with the amount of moon? In SW Tex, it seems like when there is a nearly full to full moon, predators start moving earlier, or keep going after daylight.

In the darker times of the moon, the middle hours of the night do better, and daytime is no bueno...

My theory has been that prey animals benefit from more light, so predators have to work harder--takes longer to get a meal...Just a guess.
So after you've bagged the dog, what do you do with it?

And . . . my only options for coyote are .308 or .44 mag (rifle). Any load suggestions?

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited July 10, 1999).]
Yes, there is a correlation to full moon and predator movement. In the winter, when it is bitter cold, clear sky, and full moon, we call until 10:00 AM or later and start again about 3:00 PM.
To learn a whole heck of alot..about Coyote hunting,and get sound a search for (VARMINT AL'S) go to his outstanding web site, and learn a buch about coyote hunting what works, what doesn't. He has sound files and all letting you here the different calls he uses and likes. I am telling you you will love it.