You first posted about that Cobra on 30 June and it is still galloping through your mind. WE know what you want, and YOU know what you want: You want to own that ole snake gun. The only remaining problem is how you're going to jusify the finances. I've had to juggle the "Wants" with the resources for over 40 years of gun fun, so I think I know where you are. If you just can't afford to buy the Cobra outright, well, it sounds as if you have THAT problem pretty well worked out, too.
Go ON, friend--make the swap. The .38 is more versatile, more powerful, and will CC just as well as the little .32. Put the hundred 'boot' into a set of comfortable stocks and reloading components and never look back. If you really want a .32 later on, they'll be available. But nice old Cobras are becoming scarcer every day.
There, now--Does that help any?
---The Second Amendment ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights---
[This message has been edited by Rocky Road (edited July 08, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Rocky Road (edited July 08, 2000).]